打工姐妹花第二季 第115期:招聘实习生(2)(在线收听

 Look, we need an intern. Now, who do you like so far? 我们需要一名实习生。目前为止,你最喜欢哪一个?

The one with the big boobs. 大咪咪的那个。
I knew it. All you big boob people stick together. 我就知道,你们大咪咪星人都相互帮助。
Hi, girls. Are you having a beauty contest and didn't invite me to give the other girls a chance? 姑娘们。你们是在举行选美比赛吗,没邀请我,是为了给其他姑娘一个机会吧?
We're interviewing people to be our intern. Who doesn't get paid. 我们是在面试实习生。没钱拿哦。
Well, this is for you. 这是给你们的。
You didn't have to do that. You already gave us the money for the shop. 真的不必了。你都给我们开店的钱了。
I know, I'm too wonderful. But it's for good luck, and sounds like you're gonna need it. 我知道,我就是人太好了。但这是求好运的,而且你们可能会很需要好运。
Oleg says that it's rat central station around here. 奥列格说这一带是老鼠的中央车站。
Not rats, Sophie, just rat droppings. 没老鼠,苏菲,不过是几颗老鼠屎而已。
Oh, just rat droppings. Oh, okay, no problem there. 几颗老鼠屎啊。好吧,那就没问题了。
Are you out of breath because you jogged here all the way from 1974? 你上气不接下气是因为你是从1974年跑过来的吗?
Sexy, huh? You should see his badunkadunk when he jogs. 很性感吧?你们真应该看看他慢跑时的小翘臀。
Well, here they are. 60 rat traps. 东西给你拿来了,60个扑鼠器。
Girls... I don't want to interfere with your business, but what the hell is goin' on here? 姑娘们,我不想插手你们的生意,但这到底是怎么回事?
There's no fancy tables or pretty chairs. 这里没有好看的桌子,也没有漂亮的椅子。
I mean, this place is so unappealing, even I don't look good here. 这里毫无吸引力,连我都不艳惊四座了。
No worries. We have some adorable old-school ice cream tables and chairs 别担心。我们有些老派冰淇淋店的可爱桌椅,
on hold at a kooky, fun staten island junkyard. 暂放在斯塔顿岛一个古怪有趣的垃圾场里。
I can't believe you didn't just shoot a blood clot trying to make dump furniture sound cute. 真不敢相信你居然面不改色地把垃圾堆家具形容得这么可爱。
Okay, girls, well, call me when you have a real business. 好吧,姑娘们,等你们正式开门再打给我。
Yeah, and I'm-I'm gonna take this, you know, so that the rats don't poop in it. Come on, badunkadunk. 对了,我要把这个带走,以防老鼠在里面拉屎。走吧,小翘臀。
Oh, and, uh, Max... Oh, she's good. Yes. 对了,麦克斯...她不错,真的。
I knew it. All you big boob people stick together. 我就知道,你们大咪咪星人都相互帮助。
Well? Here we are. The final three. 好了。终于到了这一刻。就剩最后三人了。
Well, you know the one I like. I'll give you a clue. One, two. 你知道我喜欢哪个,我给你个提示。左第一,右第二。
Standing in front of me I see two beautiful, qualified young women. 站在我面前的是两位美丽、条件良好的年轻女性。
Is she really going all Top Model right now? If only. They pay. I'm out, Tyra. 她现在是要学《全美超模大赛》那套吗?是就好了,人家是给钱的。我退出,泰拉。
Ruth, congratulations. You've been selected to be our intern. 露丝,恭喜你。你被选为我们的实习生。
Max, will you get Ruth started on something? 麦克斯,你能让露丝开始干活吗?
Yup, I got the internship. 对,我得到实习的机会了。
You know what? I got it. It's not like you're getting paid. Big boob people are so much easier. 这样吧,我来弄。又没花钱请你。大咪咪星人肯定更好说话。