打工姐妹花第二季 第116期:老板亲自刷墙(在线收听

 As a kid, people told you everything you did was amazing, didn't they? 你小时候,是不是做什么屁事大家都称赞你啊?

I was given a lot of positive reinforcement. 那是通过赞赏来强化我的积极度。
I think it gave me the confidence that's gotten me through this last year. 我觉得这也是我去年有信心撑过难关的原因。
Well, it's time you heard the truth. 是时候告诉你真相了。
You stink at stuff. Like painting. 你做啥事都很烂。比如刷墙就很烂。
Fine. And you stink at stuff too. Like telling an intern what to do. 行,你也做啥事都很烂啊。连叫实习生做事这事都不会。
Ruth had to go to that concert. She had the tickets for weeks. 露丝必须得去那演唱会嘛。人家好早就买的票了。
It was Ashley D and Ashley B's joint birthday. Duh. 是她好友艾希莉D,艾希莉B的联合生日会呢。
And so the intern's out having fun, and here we are, the bosses, painting the walls at 3:00 A.M. 所以实习生在大玩特玩,而我们这两位老板半夜三点来这刷墙。
Well, I'm painting. You got a kind of autistic ballerina thing going on over there. 我是在刷墙啊。而你看起来像是自闭芭蕾舞者在犯二。
Can I ask you something? 我能问你件事吗?
I don't like Maroon 5. No matter how many times you ask, the answer will always be no. 我不喜欢魔力红。你再问几次也一样,不喜欢就是不喜欢。
Not that. Would it be okay if I told Andy not to come over tonight 'cause I'm so exhausted, 不是要问这个。你觉得我今晚让安迪别来我们家合适吗,我今天太累了,
or is it a little too early in the relationship to be all, 还是你觉得才在一起不久,我就说
"I don't think I can have my legs up around my ears tonight"? "我今天没精力把双腿开到耳旁,任你..."
It's fine. You don't think he'd enjoy a night off from constant Maroon 5 badgering? He would. 没事的。你觉得他就不会想要放一晚假,不用被魔力红魔音穿脑吗?
Feels awkward. Can't. My legs can go up there. They're fine. 太尴尬,算了。双腿开到耳后,任他...没问题的啦。
I don't want to have that conversation right now. 我还不想跟他说到这事
Hey, look, I get it. There are conversations you don't want to have. 我懂你。常有事情难以启齿,不想谈到。
Like, "Hey, Ruth, here's $0. Put down some rat traps." 例如,"露丝,这里是0元薪水。去把捕鼠夹放好。"
We have a box right here that's not touched. 那还完全没人去搞呢。
Look, we're not talking about your relationship anymore. We're done. 都说了你的性事部分已经谈完。别再说了。
And relax. It's probably not even a rat, it's probably a mouse. Not a big deal. 别紧张嘛,不见得是大老鼠,可能只是小小鼠辈,没事的。