打工姐妹花第二季 第119期:实习生的日常(在线收听

 You sure you don't want me to help you with that? 你确定不要我帮忙吗?

Oh, no, it's okay. You took the rat traps out of the box, you need a break. 不用,没事的。你把捕鼠夹都拿出箱子呢,需要休息一下。
Plus, we couldn't afford the game mouse trap when I was a kid, and this is the closest I'm gonna get. 而且,小时候我家买不起捕鼠夹桌游,这是我能玩到最像的版本了。
So, when do you make the cupcakes? 那你打算什么时候烤小蛋糕啊?
I guess I could make them now. 我可以现在就做啊。
Fun. I'll go get the coffees, right? 太好了,那我去喝个咖啡,好吧?
Sure, of course. Do whatever. You got a life. Who am I to tell you what to do? 当然可以,没问题,随你吧。你有美好人生,我凭什么对你颐指气使?
Well, here's our Martha Stewart blurb, 这是玛莎给我们的宣传文宣
all blown up and ready to roll out and paste up on that wall. Where's Ruth? 放大印制,准备好要摊开贴上墙了。露丝呢?
She's in the kitchen. I was just in there. Then she's in the bathroom. 她在厨房里。我刚从厨房出来。那她是在厕所吧。
Oh, my God, you're Haning me! 天啊,你在把我当阿憨耍!
She took a coffee break. 她去喝咖啡休息一下嘛。
What? She didn't need a break. She just started 20 minutes ago. 什么,她才不需要休息。她20分钟前才开工呢。
Your rich is really coming out, and it is not pretty. 你的有钱人姿态又露出来了,真是面目可憎啊。
Forgot my phone. I mean, get it together, Ruth, right? 忘了拿我手机了。上紧发条啊,露丝,你们说是吧?
Watch and learn. 看我示范,学着点
Ruth, can you put the rat traps down, one in each corner, 露丝,可以去把捕鼠夹放到店里每一个墙角吗,
and then you can get coffee later after interning. Thanks. 等你的实习工作弄完了,要喝咖啡再去。谢了。
She's kind of a tool, right? 她挺傻逼的,对吧?
Max, were you saying something? Nope. Ouch! Right? 麦克斯,你刚说什么了吗?没有啊。疼啊!对吧?