打工姐妹花第二季 第120期:挑选设备(在线收听

 Oh, look at this cage. I think my mom used to dance in it. 你看这个笼子。我妈以前在里面跳过舞吧。

Here they are. These are the ones I had the guy hold for us. 就是这个。我让人家替我保留的就在这了。
Only $600 for all of them. What do ya think, daddy? 全套只需600块钱。你觉得如何啊,干爹?
I like 'em, doll. Wrap 'em up. And can daddy get something he wants? 小美人,挺不错的,统统买了。那干爹可以买点自己想要的东西吗?
So cute. Over the counter? 真可爱,放柜台上方吗?
And that way when I'm hungover and taking a nap, people can still find the cupcakes. 这样就算我宿醉在店里打盹,人家也知道小蛋糕在哪卖。
We could have Ruth clean it and then paint and reupholster these. 我们可以叫露丝把它擦干净,然后让她粉刷这些并重换椅面。
By the way, where is she? She was supposed to be here an hour ago. 对了,她人呢?她一个小时前就该到这里了。
Text her and find out where she is. 发短信给她,查出她在哪。
Why are you so interested in where she is, what she's doing? Are you obsessed with her? 你干嘛对人家身在何处,在干嘛有兴趣啊?你是迷恋上人家了吗?
Max, I don't want to make a purse out of her skin. I just want her to do her job. 麦克斯,我又不是要扒她皮做皮包。只是让她尽本分而已。
Never mind. I'll just text her. 算了,我来给她发短信吧
Well, be careful. Don't delete any of my penis with a hat pictures. 小心点。别误删我珍藏的鸡鸡戴帽图。
Even if I did, it's not a big deal. Oleg will always pose again. 就算误删了,也没什么损失啊。奥列格随时乐意重拍。
Yeah, but I'll never get that little pilgrim hat back. 但是我的感恩节小帽已经一去不返了。