打工姐妹花第二季 第122期:被老鼠包围(在线收听

 Why can't you just fire her? It's clear she called you the dumb one. 为什么你不炒她啊?很明显她就是叫你白痴。

All right, fine, I know she called me the dumb one. But I can't fire her. 行行行,我知道她叫我"白痴的那个"。但我就是不能炒她。
I want to, but there is a block. Right here. 我想炒,但我有个障碍。在这里。
It comes up, and then goes, "nope!" It goes right back down. 它会浮上来,说"不行"。然后它就继续潜水。
I am not supposed to fire someone. I am the someone who's supposed to be fired. 我不应该是炒人的那个。我应该是当被人炒的那个。
So I guess I'm the boss, then. 看来老板得我当了。
Sounds like a plan. I'll be in my mom's cage. 这可以,我去我妈的笼子里等你
All right, come on, you lowly worker. Help the boss pull these chairs out. 行,那滚过来,你个下层工人。帮忙老板把椅子拉出去。
Don't yell at me, boss. I'm blocked. 少对我嚷嚷了,老板,我有"障碍"。
Wish you had your enemas now, don't you? 后悔没听我的去灌肠,清"障碍"了吧?
They followed us! We walked into a trap! It's a vendetta! 它们跟过来了,我们落入陷阱了!这是鼠辈的复仇!
Ugh, I can't believe this! Our intern's out having cocktails and I'm trapped on top of rat mountain! 我真不敢相信!我们的实习生在喝鸡尾酒,而我们被困在鼠山鼠海中!
He's coming after me! 他来找我报仇了
Oh, my God! Max! Help! No, you bastards! Get off her! Get off! 我的天啊!麦克斯,救我!不行,你们这些鼠辈,离她远点!滚远点!
My foot's caught under this thing! 我的脚卡在这东西下了!
Max, that was amazing. You just lifted that giant thing up with one hand. 麦克斯,你太猛了。你单手把那大铁闸给举起了。
I know. And now I'm gonna fire that bitch! 我知道。现在老娘要炒了那小贱人!