打工姐妹花第二季 第123期:辞掉露丝(在线收听

 Wow. You suck at this too.. 哇,你贴东西也好烂。

Sorry I'm late. 抱歉我来迟了。
I was having a dream that I was sleeping in, then I woke up, and I was. 我做梦梦到了我睡过头,醒来之后,才发现真睡过头了。
Who's the boss? Tony Danza? 谁是老板?托尼·丹扎?
No, Max, who's the boss? 不,麦克斯,谁才是老板?
I am. Have a seat, Ruth. Here? Good call. 我才是。露丝,请坐。这吗?聪明的选择。
In addition to being a boss, I am also a waitress. 除了是一个老板,我也是个女服务员。
But when I do my job, I don't call people dumb. 但当我在工作时,我从不叫人白痴。
All right, I do, but at least it's to their face. 好吧,我是有叫人白痴,但我是当面叫。
Oh, you're talking about that thing? I meant Caroline. 你在说那件事啊?我叫的是卡洛琳啦。
No, I know you meant me, because I'm not dumb and neither is Caroline. 不,我知道你是说我,因为我不是白痴,卡洛琳也不白痴。
And one thing I figured out is that in business, maybe I have to be a little more Ruthless. 而做生意我学到的一件事就是,有时候我得更铁石心肠。
Meaning no more Ruth. You're fired. 也就是没有露丝。你被炒了。
So, I'm not getting college credit? 所以我弄不到大学学分了吗?
I'll probably get kicked out of school again, but no worries, right? 我大概又要被踢出学校了,不过没事啦,对吧?
I'm really proud of how you stuck up for yourself. 你站出来为自己说话,我真以你为荣。
You're fired. Sorry, I can't stop. 你也被炒了。抱歉,停不住了。
Look, Max. We're on our way. 你看,麦克斯。离梦想越来越近了。