打工姐妹花第二季 第141期:在哪里表白(在线收听

 I feel a little sick to my stomach. 我感觉有点恶心想吐。

Why? You haven't even eaten here yet. 怎么会?你都还没吃过这里的东西呢。
No, I'm nervous. I came here to tell caroline something kind of big. 不,我是紧张啦。我是来这里跟卡洛琳说件大事的。
What? You have a secret family on Long Island? No. 什么事,你秘密在长岛有妻有儿了吗?不是。
You have hep-c? "D"? One of the new heps? No. 你患有丙型肝炎吗,还是丁型?新型肝炎的一种吗?不是。
I don't have any of the heps. 我没有任何肝炎。
Now, telling her I'm in love with her is just going to sound boring. 现在感觉对她说"我爱她"这句话会很无趣吧。
You're gonna tell her you love her? Here in the diner? 你要告诉她你爱她啊?在这个破餐馆表白啊?
Why, was the dump closed? Hey, we need more coffee, La Bamba. 为什么,垃圾场关门了吗?森巴舞男,再多弄点咖啡。
Andy, this isn't where you tell someone "I love you." 安迪,这里不适合跟人说"我爱你"。
This is where you tell someone their sex change looks passable. 这里适合跟人说他们的变性手术还过得去。
What's the big deal? If I feel it, why shouldn't I say it? 这有什么大不了的?如果有感觉,为何不能直说呢?
I think she'd be all over that. 我觉得她一定会欣喜万分。
Nope. If it didn't happen to Kate Hudson in some stupid romantic comedy, then it won't work for Caroline. 不可能,如果这个情节没有出现在某个由凯特·哈德森主演的白痴爱情喜剧里,那对卡洛琳也是完全无效。
Sorry, what? I left and went into another theater in my mind while you were talking. 抱歉,你说啥?你说话的时候,我灵魂出窍去看了别的电影了。
I know, it's so creepy, but she likes it. 我知道,这很恶心,但她就爱这些。
Really, if you could arrange for it to rain, or run after her to the airport in the rain, 真的,如果你能在情人节那天安排一场倾盆大雨,或是在雨中一路追她,
but somehow end up on top of the empire state building on valentine's day, that'd be best. 追到机场,结果两人却双双出现在帝国大厦的楼顶上,那就最好不过啦。
Well, I just sold three dozen cupcakes, we just have to mark "No sugar" on one of the boxes. 我刚卖掉三打小蛋糕,我们只需在其中一个盒子上写着"无糖"就行了。
So what did you want to say to me? 你有什么话要对我说吗?
No, nothing, just came by to say hi. I gotta go download a couple movies. 没什么,我就过来打个招呼。我得回去下载几部电影看看了。