打工姐妹花第二季 第142期:奥列格请假了(在线收听

 Hey, Oleg. Where's my food? 奥列格,我的菜呢?

Cheeseburger with fries, pick-up. 你要的起司汉堡和薯条,上菜吧。
Han, you look so tall in the window. 阿憨,你在窗子里面显得真高啊。
Tell me the truth, are you standing on another tiny person? 说实话,你踩在另一个小矮人的肩膀上了吗?
No. On the box. Oleg had to leave. 才没有。我踩的是箱子。奥列格不得不请假。
Sophie came back from her trip to Poland, and he's worried, 'cause she's very, very depressed. 苏菲从波兰回来了,他很担心她,因为她情绪非常非常低落。
Why, did she see you in that hair net? 为什么,她也看见你戴发网的蠢样了吗?
Come on, listen, when Sophie went to see her new house, there was no house. 才不是呢,苏菲飞回去看她的新房子,可那里根本没房子。
Her Polish contractor ripped off her money. 她的波兰承包商骗光了她的钱。
Poor Sophie. I feel terrible. I know what it feels like to be ripped off. 可怜的苏菲,真为她感到难过。我知道被人骗是什么感觉。
I once bought a Fendi purse, but when I looked inside, it said "Rendi." 有次我买了芬迪的名牌包,回家往里衬一看,上面写着"分迪"。
What kind of god would let that happen? 哪个无良的神会让这种事发生啊?
Max, I went to a party with that. 麦克斯,我拿了个山寨包去派对呢。
We should stop by after work, see how she is, and bring her some of her favorite cupcakes. 我们应该下班后去探望她,再带几个她最爱吃的小蛋糕。
Or you could give her that $20,000 she loaned you. 或是你可以还她借你们的2万块钱。
Loaned us? Sophie gave us that money as a gift. 借我们,苏菲是把那笔钱当礼物送给我们。
Not what I hear. Pick-up! And we're out of spaghetti. There's no sauce. 反正我听到的不是这样,快上菜!对了,我们做不了意大利面了,没番茄酱了。
No, han, there's plenty of sauce. 不可能,我们有好多番茄酱呢。
I know, but I can't reach the shelf. 我知道,但我够不着那个架子。