打工姐妹花第二季 第148期:为面子信口胡说(在线收听

 Oh, my God, Caroline! It is you! 天啊,卡洛琳,真的是你!

Stacy, no way! I haven't seen you since graduation. We went to Wharton together. 史黛西,不是吧,毕业后我就没见过你了。我们一起念的沃顿商学院。
This girl is a genius. Always top of the class. 这个姑娘是个天才。永远都是班级第一。
So what are you doing here? Buying a cupcake on your way to running the world? 你在这里干嘛?坐拥世界的空挡出来买个小蛋糕吗?
No, I own this shop. 不,这家店是我开的
You own this little cupcake shop? 这家小蛋糕店是你开的啊
And many other bigger shops. This is our new Williamsburg location. 当然还有其他更大的店面啦。这是我们威廉斯堡新开的分店。
And yes, I know, the chandelier is all wrong. 没错,我知道,那个吊灯完全不搭。
I told the designer, none of our pacific northwest locations will have the chandeliers. 我跟设计师说,我们太平洋西北地区的分店都不许挂这么俗气的吊灯。
Of course, you'd own a cupcake empire at 25. 你这么厉害,25岁坐拥小蛋糕帝国很正常。
Oh, and this is Max. Hi. 这位是麦克斯。你好。
I just transferred from our Boise location. 我刚从大西北地区分店调过来。
What's that horrible smell? 是什么东西这么臭啊
It's something called a "hoagie." The workers like them. Right, Max? 是一种叫"何奇三明治"的玩意。工人们都喜欢吃,对吧,麦克斯?
Si, gracias por la hoagie. 是的,谢谢你的何奇三明治。
Well, I have to go. I'm consulting upstairs at BBD&L. 我得走了。我在楼上的BBD&L公司做顾问。
Oh, upstairs. Yeah. Always knew you'd land on your feet. 楼上啊。对啊。就知道你一定会东山再起。
Let's go for drinks, and you're paying, mogul. 有时间去喝一杯,你请客哦,大亨。
I hope she likes water. 希望她喜欢喝水啊。