打工姐妹花第二季 第149期:苏菲的新主意(在线收听

 Now what am I going to do? Stacy's in the building. 我现在该怎么办,史黛西在这栋楼上班。

Well, you could move to Narnia and run that branch, you pathological liar. 你可以搬去奇幻世界开一家你说的分店啊,你个病态的骗子。
Max, this is not how I want people to see me, or smell me, quite frankly. 麦克斯,我不想让人们看见我这样,或闻到我有这股味。
We have to get rid of the salami, the chandelier, and the Sophie. 我们必须摆脱蒜味香肠,大吊灯,还有苏菲。
This is our dream, not hers. 这是我们的梦想,不是她的。
Okay, fine, I'll tell her. Hey, Sophie, can we talk to you? 好吧,我会告诉她。苏菲,我们有话跟你说。
Good news, girls. Now we sell scratchers. 好消息,姑娘们。现在我们还卖刮刮乐哦。
But I have even a better idea. 但我有个更好的主意。
You two should dress up as big cupcakes and pass out free samples. 你们俩打扮成小蛋糕,去外面分派免费的试吃品。
Sophie, Max has something she wants to say to you. 苏菲,麦克斯有话要跟你说。
Wait. Girls, I have something to say first. 打住。姑娘们,让我先说。
Two days ago, I was on the verge of suicide. 两天前,我一度徘徊于自杀的边缘。
Yeah, seriously, I hadn't eaten all afternoon. 说真的,我绝食了整整一下午呢。
But your generosity with your dream has given me a reason to get up and get a wax. Yeah. 但你们对自己梦想的慷慨给了我东山再起和打理杂"毛"的动力。是的。
Max, there was something you wanted to say? 麦克斯,你刚刚想说什么来着?
I was going to say... 我本来是想说...