打工姐妹花第二季 第150期:装扮成小蛋糕(在线收听

 You look delicious. 你看起来真可口。

I look like Honey Boo Boo's mom at the prom. 我简直就像甜心波波的肥婆老妈去舞会。
This is so humiliating. 这太丢人了
Now I know how Tyra felt when she went undercover as that fat person. 现在我知道超模泰拉做节目,扮成胖子上街时的感觉了
Please tell me this is our bottom. 拜托告诉我这是我们堕落的极限了。
Well, it's your bottom. I went to happy hour once 这是你的极限。我有次去酒吧喝酒,
and woke up naked in the penguin habitat at the Bronx Zoo. And I did things. 醒来时发现自己在布朗克斯动物园的企鹅栖息地,浑身赤裸着。还有我当年做过的"事"哦。
Hey, girls. What are you two doing just standing there? 姑娘们。你们俩呆站在这里干嘛?
God gave cupcakes legs for a reason. 上帝给小蛋糕两条腿是有理由的。
You need to hit the streets, shake your cake maker, and show people your goods. 你们得走上街头,摇晃你们的"蛋糕",展示你们的"好货"。
Hey, don't look at me, it's vanilla. 别看我呀,是香草白妞不愿意。
I was looking forward to going up to complete strangers on the street 我还期待着走到街上完全陌生的人们面前,
and saying "eat me," but she won't leave. 大声嚷着"吃我",但她不愿意去。
Well, if you're not going to go out and get the customers, then I'll have to bring the customers to you. 如果你们不出去拉客,那我只好帮你们带客上门了。
I gotta do everything around here. 真是什么事都得靠我做啊。
Seriously, I can't believe we're just standing here 说真的,我不敢相信我们就在这呆站着,
when we could be chasing fat people down the street, yelling, "You ate my brother!" 我们应该在享受追着路上胖子跑,对他们喊"你吃了我的兄弟"才对啊。
Look at you two. What I wouldn't give for a giant glass of milk. 瞧瞧你俩。能再给我一大杯牛奶配,那就更好了。
Look at you, though. You look so cute. 瞧瞧你。看起来真可爱。
No, don't look at me. I'm totally embarrassed in this thing. 才没有,别看我。穿这玩意真是丢脸死了。
Yes, she's cute and embarrassed, in a larger-than-life, colorful, public setting. 是啊,她又可爱又尴尬,穿着五彩缤纷站在公共场合,最适合...
Ah, right. So, Caroline, listen, I wanted to... 对啊。卡洛琳,听着,我想对你说...
Look, girls, some young professionals. 姑娘们,一些年轻的上班族来了。
Oh, my God! She's bringing Stacy. She can't see me in this. 天啊,她还把史黛西拉来了。不能让她瞧见我穿这个。
I was her valedictorian. Take this. 我可是毕业典礼致词的学生代表,拿着。