打工姐妹花第二季 第151期:转达安迪的想法(在线收听

 Wait. Help me up, Max! Help me up! 慢点。拉我起身,麦克斯!拉我起身!

Oh, great. Now you're like my mom. 好啊,你现在就跟我那肥妈一样。
Here, give me your left hand. Okay, give me your right hand. 来,给我你的左手。好的,再给我你的右手。
Get up! Get up! Five second rule. 快起来!掉地上五秒内捡起还能吃。
What are you two crazy cakes doing? 你们俩疯狂的小蛋糕在干嘛?
You lost your customers. They ran away. Oh, thank God. 顾客都没了。被你们吓跑了。谢天谢地。
Oh, I don't get it. You won't push the hoagies or the pickled eggs. 我真不明白。你也不愿意推广何奇三明治和腌鸡蛋。
You must really have a fear of success. 你肯定很害怕成功对吧。
Well, at least we missed Stacy. 至少我们躲开史黛西了。
Well, you know what else you missed? Andy. 你知道你还躲开了什么吗,安迪。
He was about to tell you he loves you. What? 他本来打算告诉你他爱你。什么?
Just now, in the hall, and at the ice rink. He's been trying to tell you all week. 就刚才在走廊,和在溜冰场时。他这一周千方百计想跟你说。
But I've been too preoccupied with work, like Sandra Bullock in The Proposal. 但我这周都醉心于工作,就像《假结婚》里的桑德拉·布洛克。
So he was gonna tell me at the ice rink? The one in central park? 他本来计划在溜冰场上告诉我吗?中央公园的那个吗?
Yes, while having cocoa and splitting a hot dog. 对啊,在你们共喝热可可,共享着热狗时。
Oh, my God! That's, like, my dream "I love you" scenario. Why didn't you tell me sooner? 天啊!那就是我梦想中的表白场景啊。为什么你不早点告诉我呢?
Because when it comes to other people's creepy love stuff, that's when I'm a silent partner. 因为一旦遇到其他人恶心的爱情问题,我就会变成"静默"合伙人。
And you need to stop with this creepy rom-com stuff. Life isn't like a movie. 你也得停止沉迷那些恶心的爱情喜剧了。因为生活不像电影。
Sometimes you're not a success right away, 有时你不可能立马获得成功
sometimes you have to just eat it and be a cupcake, 有时你得默默咽下苦果,扮成一个小蛋糕
and sometimes you have to take your "I love you" whichever way it comes. 有时无论别人是在何时何地说"我爱你"你都得接受。
You are so right. I don't have to wait for the moment to be perfect, 你说得太对了。我不需等到完美的那一刻,
like it was for Reese Witherspoon in Sweet Home Alabama. 就好像瑞茜·威瑟斯彭在《情归阿拉巴马》那样。
My life's not a romantic comedy. I can do it my own way. 我的人生不是一出爱情喜剧。我可以用我自己的方式去做。
Like Julia Roberts in My Best Friend's Wedding. 就好像《我最好朋友的婚礼》里的茱莉亚·罗伯茨。