打工姐妹花第二季 第152期:奇怪的表白时刻(在线收听

 Andy, it's me! 安迪,是我!

I'll be right out. 马上出来。
No, this can't wait any longer. I don't need a big romantic comedy moment. 不,我等不及了。我不需要盛大的浪漫喜剧时刻。
No... Oh, sorry. I thought it was the office! 别进来。抱歉,我以为这是办公室
Not the office. 不是。
I'm stuck. Oh, I want to go, but I can't. 我卡住了。我想开溜,但溜不了。
And I'll never be able to go again. 我以后想开拉也拉不了了。
Well, I'm on the toilet and you're in a cupcake. 我正坐在马桶上,你正穿着蛋糕服。
Can't get creepier than this, so, Caroline, I love you. 没有比这更怪的时刻了,卡洛琳,我爱你。
I love you too. Oh, please, push me out. 我也爱你。拜托,把我推出去。
How'd it go? Was it romantic? 如何,浪漫吗?
He told me he loved me on the toilet. 他一边蹲马桶一边说爱我。
Oh, man! That's my dream scenario! 天啊,那是我的梦想表白场景呢!
I'm only gonna do this for an hour, to show you how it's done, and then I'm out. 我就只穿这个一小时,给你们示范一下该怎么卖,之后我就不干了。
This is your dream, not mine. Cupcakes! Free cupcakes! 这是你们的梦想,不是我的。小蛋糕,免费的小蛋糕!
Come on, get 'em! Get 'em while they're hot! 来嘛,尝一个!要趁热吃哦!