打工姐妹花第二季 第155期:圣诞前夕(2)(在线收听

 Oh, look, here comes one of the reindeers now. 你看,圣诞老人的其中一只麋鹿来了。

You look like a Korean coat rack. 你看起来像个韩国衣帽架。
Everybody can stop looking. We found the grinch. 大家不用费心找了。怪物圣诞怪杰就在这。
No wonder it's so angry, it's working for minimum wage. 也难怪她易怒,领着最低工资能不易怒吗。
Oh, you're hanging the Christmas decorations. I already put up the mistletoe. 你在挂圣诞装饰啊。我已经把榭寄生挂好了呢。
Where? Let's just say it's very well-hung. 你挂哪了?反正挂得非常好就是了。
Well, all my checks are in, so I have to run and make a cupcake delivery. 我的单都交上去了,所以我要去外送小蛋糕了。
Here, take this and put it in the till. I did a cupcake run last night too. 给,把这些放进小店里的收银机吧。我昨晚也去外送了。
Wait, who orders cupcakes at 2:00 A.M.? 等等,有谁会半夜两点叫小蛋糕啊?
Um, my friends. 就我的一些朋友啊。
You don't have any friends. 你又没有朋友。
I have so many friends. 我朋友超多好吗。
Who are your friends? 你朋友都谁啊?
Some people I know. 就我认识的一些人啊。
Then how come I've never met them? 那我怎么都没见过呢?
Well, they don't like you. 因为他们不喜欢你。
But they don't know me. 他们又不认识我。
They don't like what they've heard about you. 他们听过你的事迹之后不喜欢你。
But who would they have heard things from but you? 他们能知道也都是你说出来的事吧?
Maybe from my other group of friends. They don't like you either. Later. 也可以是从我别群朋友那里听的啊。他们也不喜欢你,再见啦。