打工姐妹花第二季 第158期:各种推销(在线收听

 And remember, we do private parties, wedding parties, birthday parties... 别忘了,我们也接私人派对,婚礼派对,生日派对....

All right, there's a dozen. What's the special occasion? 好了,一打小蛋糕,庆祝什么呢?
My cat died. 我的猫死掉了。
We also do funerals, divorces... and sad friday nights alone. 我们也接丧礼,离婚...孤单周五晚的单也接。
Okay, so that's 48 more dollars. Now, all we need is... For 72 more cats to die. 好了,又赚了48块钱。我们只需要...再有72只猫死就行了。
Max, there's no need to kill imaginary cats. 麦克斯,别这样乱咒猫嘛。
Let's just send out positive energy, and the universe will provide. 我们只需多发送正面能量,老天爷就会安排好的。
Swing and a miss, universe. 失手了啊,老天爷。
Surprise! I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by and say hello. 给你们惊喜!我刚好来附近,就想着过来打声招呼。
Under any other circumstance, I'd say, "never do that again". 平常呢,我会说"不准你再不请自来"。
But today, I'm saying, "how many cupcakes do you want" 但今天特别,所以"你要买多少小蛋糕呢"。
And I'm thinking of a number between 10 and 20. 我觉得就来个10到20个吧。
I'm kind of trying to watch my waist. 我想看着我的腰呢。
Well, you're closer to it than most people. 你的头已经比别人更近腰了。
I'm gonna start you with 12 cupcakes. 就先给你来个12个小蛋糕吧。
Full price, 'cause you're family. 你算家人,就"原价"招待吧。
Oh, my God! The phone ringing and a customer at the same time? See, Max, it's all happening. 天啊,一边有顾客上门,一边还有顾客打来。麦克斯,我们的好运到啦。
Between the money we just got last night and that pregnant girl's Quinceanera / Baby shower, we're gonna make our rent. 我们昨晚赚到的钱,加怀胎少女的成年礼与迎婴派对,绝对能赚到租金啊。
Max's Homemade Cupcakes. Oh, hola, Estella. Si, the Quinceanera / Baby shower. 麦克斯自制小蛋糕。你好啊,埃斯特拉。是的,成年礼加迎婴派对。
Que? Oh, no. Deported? Oh, you can't afford it. 怎么了?不是吧,遣返?哦,是付不起啊。
My mal. Well, sorry, it didn't work out. Gracias for calling. 我听错了。很遗憾未能为你服务,感谢来电。