打工姐妹花第二季 第159期:强迫阿憨吃蛋糕(在线收听

 Well, that's disappointing, but we should have seen it coming. 这下失望了吧,不过我们早该料到有这下场。

She couldn't afford condoms either. 她连避孕套都买不起。
It's cool. I'll just call Keefer and try to do a couple more cupcake runs. 没事。我再打给琦芙吧,帮她多外送几趟就行了。
No, that's not cool, that's dangerous. 不许这样,这太冒险了。
It'll all work out. You know what? 船到桥头自然直,这样吧?
I'm just gonna go over and ask Andy if he'll float us some cash till the holiday rush kicks in. 我这就过去问安迪借点钱周转,节日高峰期过后就能还他了。
He did offer. We should put up some Christmas lights, a menorah for Chanukah, and for Kwanzaa... 他也说过要借啊。我们也应该挂上圣诞灯,犹太光明节的烛台,以及宽扎节的...
While I'm gone, why don't you Wikipedia Kwanzaa? 我去的时候,你搜搜宽扎节摆饰吧。
Well... Here's the first eight. 好了,先上八个给你。
And how many cupcakes would you like "to go"? I'm thinking of a number between 40 and 50. 你还想外带多少个小蛋糕走呢?我觉得就来个40到50个吧。
How come you never push the food at the diner like this? 你在餐馆的时候怎么不这么推销食物啊?
Oh, that's where I know you from. Start eating. 对哦,我是在那里认识你的啊。快开吃吧。
I didn't do it. It's so not hot. He's my boyfriend. 我没问他借。这样太不性感了,他是我男朋友呢。
I mean, it's not like borrowing money from family. You don't sleep with your family. 没办法像跟亲人借钱那样自然。毕竟我们又不跟自己家人"睡"。
Not all families are the same, Caroline. 有些家庭就不是这样呢,卡洛琳。
Besides, we're fine. The universe will provide. 而且,我们没事的。老天爷会照顾我们。
Well, the universe better provide in, like, a second, 'cause look, there's the landlord. 那老天爷最好是这几秒内赶紧照顾我们啊,房东来了。
He just went into that Moroccan place. 他已经到斜对面摩洛哥店了。
What are we gonna do? Hide! What? 我们该怎么办?躲啊!什么?
Well, I should go. 好了,我该走了。
It's too late for that! Lock the door, hit the lights, and crawl over here, and stay low! 想走已经太迟了。锁门,关灯,爬过来,蹲下身子!