打工姐妹花第二季 第160期:跳窗躲房东(在线收听

 Stay down till we're out of sight. 在他看不见前,不要起身。

Ow, it hurts! 膝盖好疼哦!
Oh, please. Like this is the first time you've been on your knees in the bathroom. 拜托,说得像这是你第一次在厕所里"跪地抬臀"一样。
Caroline, you don't have to stay on the ground anymore. 卡洛琳,进来就不用趴地上了啊。
I feel like this is where I belong now. 我觉得我现在低等得只配趴地上。
Yo, baker girls. 烘焙女孩们。
Max, he's in the shop. 麦克斯,他进店了
Okay, go, out the window. Really? 好吧,爬窗吧。你说真的吗?
If he can't see us, he can't evict us. Go. 他要是没见到我们,就不能赶走我们。快啊。
It's a little high. Are you sure? 有点高耶,你确定吗?
You've heard "when God closes a door, he opens a window"? 你听过"当上帝关上门,他也开一扇窗"吧?
He's running from his landlord. Go. 他当时就是在躲房东。跳吧。
Okay, here goes. I love you, Max. 好吧,我跳啦。麦克斯,我爱你。
What about me? What should I do? 那我呢,我怎么办?
Put the money for those cupcakes on the counter. 把小蛋糕的钱放柜台上。
Who are you? 你是谁啊?
No hablo ingles? 偶不东英文。