打工姐妹花第二季 第163期:试吃不停(在线收听

 I like the lemon. So good. 爱死这柠檬味了。太美妙。

And with the vanilla frosting, it would make a lovely cupcake wedding cake. 配上香草糖霜,就是人见人爱的婚丧喜庆必备小蛋糕。
Oh, my God. Oh, my God! The chocolate! 天啊天啊天啊!这巧克力!
You do realize you're not alone, right? 你知道你旁边还有别人吧?
I know. I'm gonna get some water, and then I'll be back to taste everything! 我知道啊。我去喝两口水,然后就回来继续试所有小蛋糕!
There's no wedding. What? 她才没要结婚呢。什么?
It's a scam. I know her game. 她是来骗蛋糕吃的。她这套路老娘清楚。
There isn't a Denny's on the eastern seaboard I haven't hit up and said it's my birthday for a free sundae. 东海岸各地所有丹尼斯连锁餐厅姐全都去假装过当天是我生日,就为了吃免费圣代。
Well, what if you're wrong, and she is the real deal? 那要是你误会人家,她真要结婚呢?
A cupcake wedding cake could be a lot of money. 承包一个婚礼的小蛋糕能赚不少钱呢。
We have to crack her B.S. before she eats our cupcakes, and then us. Follow my lead. 再她又回来白吃蛋糕前,我们得先戳穿这胡扯新娘才行。看姐的。
Oh! What are we tasting now? 接下来要试哪一个呢?
Coconut. What's your fiance's name? Doug Franklin. 椰子味的。你未婚夫姓啥名啥?道格·富兰克林。
Where'd you meet? He's a fireman. He rescued my cat. 怎么认识的?他是个消防员。他救过我的猫。
No, aw. That's an insurance commmmercia. So where's the wedding? 少同情了,这是保险广告桥段。婚礼要在哪举行。
Barefoot on the beach. 海滩裸足婚礼。
That's a tampon commercial. 这是卫生棉条广告桥段。
Ooh! Hi, baby! 宝贝,你来啦!
Max, you're wrong. They're kissing. 麦克斯,你错了,人家在接吻呢。
Nope, he's either an out-of-work actor she hired, or he has cake in his mouth. 他要么是她请来的失业男演员,要么就是他嘴里有蛋糕。