打工姐妹花第二季 第164期:姐妹中头奖(在线收听

 I have an announcement to make. 我有一件事情要宣布。

You found your first "down there" Hair? 你"下面"终于长出第一根毛了吗?
No, it's the last chance to put in your business card to win a luxury weekend vacation. It's Han's big promo. 不,现在是你们最后放入名片抽奖得到豪华周末游的机会。是阿憨大抽奖。
Well, he's finally announced it. Han's a big promo. 他终于正式宣布了。阿憨是个大基佬。
Well, he's a little promo. 他只能算个小基基吧。
Good luck, you now have a chance to win a fancy two-room suite in the country, 祝好运啦,你们现在有机会赢到豪华乡间两室一厅套房,
and there's a fireplace because daddy don't skimp. 而且内有壁炉哦,因为小爷特大方。
Aw, I miss our fireplace in the country. My father and I would sit together, 我好想念我家乡间屋子的壁炉。我都会跟老爸坐在壁炉前
and I'd roast marshmallows, and then he'd burn what I now realize must've been incriminating documents. 我烤着棉花糖吃,而他会烧...我现在才意识到他以前是在烧文件。
Hi, everybody! The raffle girl is here. Oh, I get to pull the winner! 各位好,抽奖女郎到啦。赢家的名片由我翻出呢!
She pulled me twice today, and I won both times. 她今天就翻了我两次"牌"呢,两次我都"大获全胜"。
Sophie, the way you look tonight, we are all winners. 苏菲,你今晚的美貌让我们都成为赢家。
Oh, Earl, that is so sweet. I would kiss you if it was legal. 厄尔,你嘴真甜。合法的话,我一定亲死你。
All right, I'm going to put in one of my cleaning company cards. 我也要放一张我清洁公司的名片进去。
All right. Who's gonna be the winner? 好啦。赢家会是谁呢?
Yeah, yeah, shake it like a polaroid picture, baby. 像甩宝丽来照片一样甩动身躯吧,宝贝。
Yeah. Oh, no, that doesn't feel like my card. 好的。惨了,这张感觉不像是我的名片。
Sophie, that's cheating. 苏菲,你这是作弊。
Hey, keep out of it, Glinda the good bitch. 好贱货格林达,你少管闲事。
And the winner is... Max's homemade cupcakes? 赢家就是...麦克斯自制小蛋糕?
Oh, my God! We won! Congratulations! 我的天啊,我们赢了!恭喜你们!
I've never won anything in my life! 我这辈子从来没赢过任何比赛呢!
Except for that time I got stoned and accidentally won that hot dog eating contest. 除了有一次我吸毒昏头,意外赢了一个热狗大胃王比赛。
Wait, how did this even happen? Did you put our card in? 等等,这怎么可能?你有丢我们的名片进去吗?
Actually, I put your card in, and I took a few out. 其实是我放入你们名片的,而且我还抽了几张起来。
I figured you girls could use a vacation. 我觉得你们俩姑娘应该去放个假。
You girls been working harder than my liver on payday. 我发薪日大鱼大肉加烟酒,肝都是没你们累。
Oh, Earl, you're like Santa without the weird fixation on children. 厄尔,你简直就是圣诞老人啊,除了你没恋童癖,其他都像。