打工姐妹花第二季 第165期:三人约旅行(在线收听

 It was so nice of Earl to enter us. 厄尔帮我们参加投票真是太好心了。

Oh, stop. He's like my father. 别动歪脑筋,我当他是我爸呢。
Wow, this place actually looks nice. Ooh, an outhouse! 哇,这地方看起来还真不错呢。哇,有茅厕呢!
Max, that's a sauna. Oh. 麦克斯,那是桑拿房。
Either way, I'm peeing in it. 随便啦,我就要尿在里面。
But Max, can we leave the shop? 麦克斯,我们如何丢下小店啊?
I mean, even though business has been slow, 虽然生意不是太好,
what if Dottie wants to come back and order cupcakes for her wedding? 但要是多蒂回来,想要下她婚礼的小蛋糕订单怎么办?
First off, she ate them all. 首先,早被她吃光了。
Second, there is no wedding. She's a B.S. Bride. 其次,她也没要结婚。她就是个胡扯新娘。
I guarantee you, right now, she's crawling through an air-conditioning vent at a Krispy Kreme. 我跟你保证,她现在肯定是在爬连锁甜甜圈店的空调管道,想潜进去偷吃呢。
Andy in the house! Sorry, I was watching a Living Single marathon before I came over. 安迪驾到!抱歉,来之前看了好久的情景喜剧,一时难以自拔。
You are not gonna believe this. We won a weekend getaway. 说出来你肯定不相信。我们赢了周末度假游呢。
Isn't that exciting? We really needed this. 超爽的对吧,我们太需要去度假了。
That's great! We do need this. Thanks, babe. 太好啦!我们的确需要这个,谢啦,宝贝。
And I was hoping to get a little special one-on-one time with you this weekend. So when do we leave? 我本来也在计划要跟你共度一个只属于我们俩人的周末呢。我们什么时候出发?
Oh, we! We can leave tomorrow. We--we--we all the way there. 我们!我们可以明天出发。我们,我们,我们一起去。
Look, Han said it was a two-room suite. Andy can come with us. 阿憨说那是一个两室一厅套房。安迪可以一起来的。
It's still our trip. He doesn't have to know he's the third wheel. 这旅行还是只属于我们。不必让他知道他是电灯泡的事实。
Well, you know I'm always a fan of lying, so I'm in. 你知道我最爱骗人了,当然没问题。
It's still our trip. She doesn't have to know she's the third wheel. 这旅行还是只属于我们。不必让她知道她是电灯泡的事实。
Well, you know I'm not a fan of lying, but okay, I'm in. 你知道我最不爱骗人了,但还是没问题啦。