打工姐妹花第二季 第166期:开车旅行(在线收听

 I love a road trip. My mom and I took one in third grade for, like, a year, 我最爱开车旅行了。我三年级的时候跟我妈开车旅行了一年呢,

but we'd just drive around locally and... Oh, my God, I lived in a car. 但我们就只是开车在当地转悠...靠,那年我们只是住车里。
Hey, let's play a card game. I spy something red. 来玩小游戏嘛。猜猜我看到了什么红色东西。
Is it that gas station? Nope. 是那个加油站吗?不是。
Is it that truck? Nope. 是那台卡车吗?不是。
Is it boring? Yes! My turn. I spy something annoying. 是"无聊"吗,是的!换我出题。猜猜我看到了什么烦人东西。
Is it me? Yes! I knew the joke was on me, but I love to win. 是我吗?没错!我就知道你是在损我,但我就是想赢。
You are not annoying. You're adorable. 你才不烦人呢,你可爱死了。
I spy a big man-gina. 猜猜我看见了什么娘炮东西。
Is it me? Yes! Like to win too. 是我咩?没错!我这人也爱赢。
Max's homemade cupcakes. Hello? 麦克斯自制小蛋糕。您好?
Bad cell area. Max, I think that might've been Dottie, the B.S. Bride. 这附近没信号。麦克斯,可能是多蒂打来呢,胡扯新娘。
I couldn't hear the words, but she sounded unnaturally confident. 我听不见她说什么,但语气中有很不然的自信呢。
Maybe the B.S. stands for "Big sale." 人家可能不是胡扯,是胡买呢。
No more business calls, okay? I thought we were getting away for fun. 别再接公事电话了,好吗?我们来度假不是为了放松吗。
We are, but our business is nowhere near where we need it to be, 是啊,但我们的生意离我们预期目标差了十万八千里,
and when it comes to ignoring a call, it's kind of hard. 所以就这么不理一通生意电话真的有点难呢。
Hey, you know what this area of the mountains is known for? 你们知道这一带山区最出名的是什么吗
Wineries and incest? Alien abductions! 酒庄与乱伦吗?是外星人绑架啦!
I know all about it. People disappear from here all the time. 我超了解这方面呢。无数人都在这片山区中人间蒸发。
Max, there's no such thing as an extraterrestrial. 麦克斯,"天外来客"只是无稽之谈。
Okay, first, that's something an extraterrestrial would say. 真正的"天外来客"就会这么说。
I've always wanted to be abducted. And my guidance counselor said I had no goals. 我一直梦想有天被外星人绑架。我的咨询顾问居然还骂我这人没目标。