打工姐妹花第二季 第167期:抵达住处(1)(在线收听

 And here we go. Again, I don't believe in names, 就是这间啦。哥认为名号只是云烟,

but feel free to call me "Roger" if it helps you. 但不叫不行的话,就叫我罗杰吧。
Yeah! Get out! Get out! The bed floats! This is awesome! 哇靠,哇靠!床是悬空的呢,太酷了!
Usually, you gotta bring the ropes to the bed. 通常玩捆绑得自己带绳子上床。
This way, you get to eliminate a whole step! 它这样,让我们整整省了一大步骤呢!
The bed's sculptural beauty is actually surpassed by the joy of resting in it. 这床的雕工之美常被休息于其中的舒适所盖过。
Some say it's like being rocked to sleep in the arms of god. 有人赞,这就像是在神的怀抱之中,摇摆入眠。
It's a sex bed, Roger. 就是张性爱床嘛,罗杰。
May I light the fire for you? 能让我替你们升火吗?
Oh, no, thanks. I can do it. I was an eagle scout. 不用,多谢,这我能搞定。我以前是鹰童军。
Man, there's just not enough occasions where I can brag about at. 这件牛事实在是没有太多机会能让我说出来显摆啊。
The room is cute, but really tiny. 房间很有爱,就是有点小。
We're gonna need a bigger space, unless we're hobbits. 我们需要大一点的空间呢,毕竟我们不是哈比人。
Is this the door to the adjoining room? 这门是通往相邻房的吗?
Well, that is an adjoining room, but it's not included in your package. 那的确通往相邻房,但那房间并不包含在你们的套餐里。
Oh, damn it! We should've known Han's package was gonna be smaller than he said it is. 我靠!我们早该想到阿憨说的绝对比实际的来的"小"。
I'm sorry. All the other cabins are booked. 很抱歉。其他小屋也都被订了。
I'll bring you some bedding for the couch at an additional price. Ohm shanti. 我去给你们多拿点睡沙发的寝具,这要额外加钱哦。大家平安。