打工姐妹花第二季 第172期:想要争取二人世界(在线收听

 Yes, I'd like to order anoth... Yes, I'll hold. 对,我想再点一份...好的,我等着。

I think the hold music is just Roger singing. 我觉得等待音乐是罗杰在唱歌。
Okay, hang up the phone. Go sit and eat. Come on. Hurry before Max eats the table. 好啦,把电话放下。去坐下吃吧,来吧。快点,不然麦克斯连桌子都要吃掉了。
No, you eat. After all, it's our special weekend. I want you to enjoy it. 不,你吃。毕竟这是我们的专属周末。我想让你过得开心。
Well, okay, but only because it's a special occasion. 好吧,但只因为这次情节特殊。
Good! I'm gonna go take a hot shower. 很好!我去洗个热水澡。
Besides, it's always better to make love on an empty stomach. 再说了,向来空腹做爱感觉更棒。
That must be why there are so many people in India. 怪不得闹饥荒的印度,人会这么多了。
Max, I got a favor to ask you. 麦克斯,我有一事相求。
Do you think you can go visit your bear friends next door, maybe give us some private time? 你能不能给我们俩一点独处时间,去隔壁基熊朋友那里待会?
It'll be your birthday gift to me. 就当是你送我的生日礼物。
It would be my birthday gift to you because it's your birthday. 当是我送给你的生日礼物,所以是你过生日咯。
Yeah, just for, like, two hours. Okay, one hour. 对啊,两个小时就好。好吧,一小时也行。
I'll skip the foreplay, and that'll be my birthday gift to myself. 我略过前戏好了,那就当是我送给自己的生日礼物吧。
Cool, then I'll just go do that, then. 好的,那我这就过去。
I mean, Caroline went to all this trouble to get you a trip for your birthday, I assume. 我猜卡洛琳费了那么大的劲,这次旅行就是想给你庆祝生日吧。
I know, and I was really looking forward to some birthday sex 我知道,我一直期待会有特别的生日爱爱,
since we haven't really connected that way since the shop started giving you guys so much trouble. 因为自从蛋糕店生意不顺之后,我们也情路不顺,没滚过床单了。
But the shop's been in trouble for weeks. 但是蛋糕店已经不顺好几周啦。
Yeah, so maybe I'll only need, like, a half hour with her. 是啊,或许时间可以缩短到半个小时。