打工姐妹花第二季 第177期:蛋糕店里的嬉皮士(在线收听

 Can I get another refill? 我能再续一杯吗?

Yes. Can I get an explanation of why you're wearing overalls when there are no goats around? 行。那我能知道为什么这附近没有牲畜,你却穿着那乡下工装裤吗?
Oh, wait... Now he's drumming. Overalls, free coffee refills, and drumming. 哎哟,还不止...他还打起鼓来了。乡下工装裤,蹭免费续杯,还敲敲打打。
We can stop looking. We found the world's most annoying hipster. 众里寻他千百度。全世界最惹人厌的嬉皮士就在本店椅子处。
Max, this isn't a diner where everything comes with attitude and ecoli. 麦克斯,这不是阿憨餐厅,能随便有恶劣态度与大肠杆菌。
This is the cupcake shop. You own this place. 这里是小蛋糕店。你是这里的老板呢。
Ugh, success really cuts your balls off! 成功的代价就是得当孙子啊!
We get it. Your tribe's in trouble. 我们懂了。你部落有麻烦是吧。
Hey, she's kidding. Just help yourself to a fresh mocha almond refill. 她开玩笑而已啦。欢迎去续杯您的杏仁摩卡。
And by the way, sick beats. 对了,你节奏超摇摆啊。
You threw him a peace sign? What are you, a Japanese teenager? 你还给他比划个和平手势啊?你以为你谁啊,小日本青年咩?
It's a gesture of goodwill. 只是表达友善的手势嘛。
Okay, but if I see you doing an open heart, I will kill you. 行,但你要让我看到你用手比心,老娘一定杀了你。