
 Hi there! How do you do? 嗨!你好吗?

There are many ways to greet people in English, depending on the setting, dialect, and personal preference. How do you choose? 英文中有许多问候人的方式,视情境、方言和个人喜好而定。你要怎么作选择呢?
Well, "Hi" is a friendly, informal greeting, often followed by the person's name or the word "there." 嗯,Hi 是一个亲切且随意的问候语,后面常会接人名或 there 这个字。
"How do you do?" on the other hand, is very formal. 另一方面,How do you do?(你好吗?)则十分正式。
In a business English context, you probably want to be somewhere in the middle, at least until you know each other better. 在商业英文的环境中,你可能会想折衷一下,至少在你们更认识彼此之前。
"Hello" is neutral and versatile. You can say it to anyone you meet. Hello 既中性又万用。你见到任何人都可以这样说。
It's also popular in writing, such as email, where "Hiya," "Hey," or "Howdy" are often too casual. 这在写作时也很常用,象是电子邮件,这时用 Hiya、Hey 或 Howdy 常会显得太过随便。
When you write formally to someone for the first time, "Dear" with a name is a good approach. 当你第一次正式写信给某人时,用 Dear(亲爱的)加上人名是很好的办法。
Things may become more relaxed after that, and you can switch to something less formal. 在那之后一切可能会变得轻松些,你就可以改用较没那么正式的词了。
When you meet someone for the first time, you can say, "Pleased to meet you" or maybe "Nice to meet you." 当你第一次和某人见面时,你可以说 Pleased to meet you.(很高兴见到你),或也许说 Nice to meet you.(见到你真好)。
This is appropriate in any situation. 这在任何情况都适用。
Another way to greet someone is with "Good morning," "Good afternoon," or maybe "Good evening," depending on the time of day. 另一种问候人的方式是说 Good morning(早安)、Good afternoon(午安)或也许 Good evening(晚上好),看是在一天中的什么时候。
Dropping the word "Good" makes it much more casual. And with intonation, you can make it as friendly or as grumpy as you like. 省略 Good 这个字会让这句话更加生活化。加上语调,你想让它听起来多亲切或多暴躁都可以。
Dialects have their own greetings. "Howzit" is popular in informal South African English. 不同方言都有自己的问候语。Howzit(哈喽)在日常南非英语中很流行。
British people sometimes use "Cheers" to say goodbye or thanks. 英国人有时候会用 Cheers 来表示再见或感谢。
"All right?" is also common in British English, especially among younger people. All right?(还好吗?)在英式英文中也很常见,特别是年轻人之间。
The speaker isn't really asking if you're all right, it's just a greeting. 讲的人并不是真的在问你好不好,这就只是打个招呼。
It's like saying "How are you?" or "How do you do?" when you shake hands with someone. 就像和人握手时说 How are you? 或 How do you do? 一样。
They may answer that they're very well, thank you, but this is optional. 他们可能会回他们很好啊,谢谢你,但回不回都可以。
They may just say the line back: How are you? How do you do? 他们可能会就回同一句话:How are you? How do you do?(你好吗?)
In our next video, we'll look at how people agree and disagree in different varieties of English. So, cheers! 在下一部影片里,我们会讨论人们在各种不同的英文中如何表达同意和不同意。那么,再见啦!