陨落星辰第一季 第127期:受到信号干扰的本(在线收听

 Ben, did your father send you over to give me a hand?  本,你爸让你过来帮忙吗

Actually, they moved some of the library books in here.  事实上,图书馆的部分书被搬到这里了
Ah. Right.  这样啊
Sorry. I thought Matt was helping you.  抱歉,我以为马特在帮你
Oh, it seems I'm missing my young assistant to the dubious charms of Mr. Pope. 看来我的小助手被拥有可疑魅力的珀普先生拐跑了
Then maybe I can do something.  或许我能帮忙
The way everyone's gearing up, feels like I should help.  大家都在做准备,好像我也该帮忙
That's the best offer I've had today.  这是今天听到的最好的提议
Why don't you grab this box and follow me over to the desk, huh? 端起盒子,跟我到桌子那边
What are these?  这些是什么
Oh, they're, uh-- they're vacuum tubes.  是,是电子管
You know, if transistors were the Ferarris of the electronic age, this is the Model T. 如果晶体管是电子时代的法拉利,这个就是T型
Hmm. What's a Model T? T型是什么
Well, a-all you really need to know is that this transmitter here needs them in order to operate, 你只要知道晶体管需要它们才能工作就好了
and I'm looking for a very specific one.  我正在找一个特殊的
Once you get it working, are you gonna try and contact other people? 一旦弄好了,你是要用来联系其他人吗
Well, that was one idea.  只是其中一个想法
What if the Skitters hear you? Won't they be able to find us? 万一突击者听到怎么办,不会发现我们吗
Aha! Found it.  找到了
I've got this idea about the Skitters.  我是这么考虑的
We know that they communicate with each other using radio frequencies. 突击者依靠无线电频率互相交流
Find the right frequency, and we can jam up their communications. 找到正确的频率,我们就能阻碍它们的交流
Certainly throw a wrench into their plans, huh?  重创它们的计划,对吧
Okay, here we go. There. Good. 好的,开始吧。很好
Okay, now let's see if we can get this thing to send out a signal. 好了,看看它能发出信号吧
Can you just crank the handle on that radio?  你能帮忙摇动那个无线电手柄吗
Yeah, okay. Yeah, right there. 好的。就在那里
And I will roll through the frequencies.  我来调节频率
Okay. How's... How's that? Anything yet? 好的。这...这样如何?有什么效果吗
W-what happened? Is everything all right? 怎么了,你没事吧
Yeah. It's all right. It's all right. I'm fine. 嗯,没事,没事,我很好
Well, that's more than I can say for this bucket of bolts.  看来这台老爷车只能这样了
So you're sure the radio didn't make a squeak, huh?  你确定没听到吱吱声是吗
No. No. Nothing on the radio.  是的,什么声音都没有