陨落星辰第一季 第132期:剑拔弩张(在线收听

 Captain Weaver.  韦弗上尉

Dr. Glass, I hear that Tom has been to see you.  格拉斯医生,我听说汤姆去找过你
I need to know where he is.  我想知道他在哪里
He told me what you've been going through, Captain.  上尉,他把你的事都告诉了我
I'd feel a lot more comfortable if you put that gun down.  如果你把枪放下,我会自在一些
Don't.  别动
What are you gonna do? You gonna shoot me?  你要干什么,打死我吗
I'm the optimist, remember?  我是乐天派,还记得吗
I'm still hoping that you're gonna listen to reason.  我还是希望你能明白事理
Now, what's the operational plan -- the real one?  说,计划到底是怎样的,真正的计划
Rendezvous with 4th and 5th. And launch a coordinated attack! 与第四和第五军团会师,然后联合进攻
I talked to Dai! Your orders were to stand down!  戴跟我说了,你的命令已经无效
That's not the way I heard it.  我听说的可不是这样
The mission's still a go  任务照常进行
Unless the 4th and 5th are confirmed killed.  除非确认第四和第五军团已经覆没
Porter's last orders were to wait for that confirmation. Damn it! 波特的遗命是等待确认其他军团尚存。妈的
The aliens have to know we're not gonna lie down!  要让外星人知道我们绝不屈服
You think I don't want to fight them?! Move.  你以为我不想反击吗,走
This has to be done the right way.  这事一定要处理得当
That means all cards on the table  现在所有的意见
with a commanding officer whose judgment hasn't been compromised. 都已经阐明,可就是指挥官刚愎自用
How far you gonna go with this?  你还想多过分
Pretty far. I had Pope defuse the bombs.  很过分,我已经让玻普拆除炸弹雷管
And if you don't back off, I'm gonna be forced to relieve you of your command. 你如果执迷不悟,我就要强制解除您的指挥权