陨落星辰第一季 第136期:分兵出击(在线收听

 Hal!  哈尔

You're right about Weaver, but...  韦弗的事你说对了,但
when you get down to it, well, he's right, too.  仔细想想,他也是对的
They got enough fighters. You don't have to do this.  他们的战士已经够了,你没必要去了
Yes, I do. I actually do.  不,我要去,事实上很有必要去
You got to stay here, and you got to take care of the civilians, 你必须呆在这照顾好这些平民
just like you've been taking care of me, Matt, and Ben this whole time.  就像你一直照顾我,马特和本
And I got to do this... for mom... and Ben, and for Karen. 而我必须去战斗...为了妈妈,本,还有凯伦
There'll be other battles.  还会有其它战斗的
Not if we don't show them we're not backing down.  我们要向它们展示我们没有退缩
We got to hit them with everything we got.  要尽一切力量攻击它们
We got to make them rethink this war.  让它们反思这场战争
Weaver can get us to Boston.  韦弗会带我们去波士顿
And once we get there, we're gonna blow that structure straight to hell. 等我们到达那里,一定会把它们的基地炸掉
Nothing I can say to you, huh?  我说什么也劝不动你了,对吧
You could wish me luck.  你可以祝我好运
Good luck. All right, good luck. 祝你好运。好吧,祝你好运
Tom. Mech bullets. Thought you might need them. 汤姆。械甲怪专杀弹,以备不时之需
Good hunting.  一切顺利
Dad! Dad, I have to talk to you.  爸,爸,我必须跟你谈谈
Scott was running these tests with the transmitter, um... Yeah. 斯科特在检测发报机的运作,然后
Trying to see if he could block the signals between the Skitters and the Mechs. 试试是否能阻断突击者和械甲怪之间的信号交流
Yeah, j-- like a, you know, a jamming signal.  对,类似于切断信号
Yeah. How would -- how would you even know if that worked?  那你们怎么知道有没有用
We wouldn't, but... we were running some tests, going through the frequencies. 不知道,但是我们正在做些检测,调节频率
And what?  然后呢
I could hear it.  我能听到
Move out!  出发