陨落星辰第一季 第139期:里克逃跑(在线收听

 He was lying next to the transmitter.  他就躺在发报机旁边

Somebody had broken into it. I saw the blood and got Dr. Glass. 有人闯进去了。我看到了血,找来了格拉斯医生
It's okay, Ben. You did the right thing.  没事,本,你做得很对
Aah! Ow!  嗷,疼
Don't be such a baby.  别像个小孩子一样
I thought the physician's creed was "First, do no harm."  我以为内科医师的第一信条就是不弄疼人
Oh, Tom, Tom. Glad you're here.  汤姆,汤姆,还好你来了
It was Rick, wasn't it?  是里克,对吧
He's right. How did you know it was him? 没错。你怎么知道是他
I... I-I just did. 我...我就是知道
Rick was hanging from the -- the ceiling like some crazy bat. 里克挂在天花板上面,就像发了疯的蝙蝠
Don't -- don't ask me how.  别问我到底怎么做到的
And he must have been there awhile  他在那肯定有段时间了
because he knew exactly what to take in order to knock out the transmitter. 因为他很清楚该拿什么,才能使发报机瘫痪
Are you done yet? No. 你完事了没啊?没有
Aah. Ow!  嗷,疼
We knew Rick was troubled, but sabotage? Attacking Scott? 尽管里克现在很混乱,但蓄意破坏,袭击斯科特也太过火了
I guess whatever the harness did isn't going away.  我猜脊甲的影响没有消除
All right, we need to find him.  好了,我们得找到他
Rick? Rick, are you here?  里克,里克,你在吗
I knew you were coming.  我就知道你会来
Why did you hurt Scott?  你为什么要伤害斯科特
To get this. To stop him.  为了拿到这个,为了阻止他
No, friend, you remember?  不,朋友,你记得吗
He's trying to keep them away.  他想赶走它们
If you give back the part, they'll forgive you.  把零件还回去,他们会原谅你的
They know you're confused because of the harness. It's okay, Ben. 他们知道你因为脊甲而受到影响。没事的,本
I know you can hear them, too. I want them out of my head. 我知道你也能听到它们。我想让这声音滚出我的脑海
Why? Ben, they're better than the humans. 为什么?本,它们比人类先进
We can be a part of that. Ben? I want the harness back, Ben. 我们能成为它们的一员,本。我想要回我的脊甲,本
What?  什么
I can tell you want it, too. Come with me. We'll find them. 我觉得你也这么想。跟我走吧,我们去找它们
We'll find them together.  我们一起去找它们
Help!  来人啊
Help! It's okay, Ben. I'll find them. 来人!没事,本,我会找到它们的
Get my dad! And I'm gonna bring them back. 找我爸爸去。我会带它们回来
Hey, where's Tom?! Somebody get Tom!  汤姆在哪儿,快去找汤姆
He's going to warn the Skitters! Don't let him get away! 他要去警告突击者!别让他离开
He's gonna warn the Skitters! Stop him! Stop him!  他要去警告突击者,拦住他
Rick! Rick! 里克!里克!
Damn coat racks are gonna give us up!  这些披过脊甲的孩子要出卖我们
Hold your fire! Hold your fire! Don't shoot! 别开枪,别开枪。别开枪
Don't you ever raise a gun to my son!  别拿枪对着我儿子
Aliens figure out we're here, we're dead.  外星人知道我们在这儿就完了
Why don't you save your ammo for them and not these kids?!  何不把射向孩子的子弹留给它们
I was just trying to... I know, I know. 我只是想...我知道,我知道
These people, they're just scared.  这些人,他们只是太恐惧了
I want you to go back inside and find Dr.Glass and stay with her, okay? 现在你去找格拉斯医生,和她待在一起,好吗
You going after Rick? Yeah. 你去追里克吗?是的
I'll try to bring him back. You got this?  我会尽力找他回来,你能拿着枪吗
Just make sure you come back.  你要保证回来