陨落星辰第一季 第140期:重新回归(在线收听

 Rick. We've been trying to hear you, but it's been really difficult. 里克。我们一直想联系你,但实在太难了

I know. It's 'cause they took the harness off. 我知道。因为他们取下了我的脊甲
We know. It's terrible!  我们知道,太可怕了
They just don't understand, do they?  他们就是没法理解,对吗
I want to come back and be like them, like you.  我回来就是想成为它们,和你一样
Of course you do.  你当然会
But first you have to tell us everything about the people you've been with. 但首先你要告诉我们关于他们的一切
Okay. Okay. 好。好。
No, wait!  不,等等
Please, I told you all I know!  求你了,知道的我都说了
All I want to do is come back! Please! Please! 我只想回来。求你了,求你了
Rick, who are you talking to out here?  里克,你在和谁说话
She...she left me.  她,她丢下我走了
They left me. Who? 它们丢下我了。谁
I only wanted to be with them, but they didn't care.  我只想和它们在一起,但它们不在乎
Rick, are there Skitters near here?  里克,突击者在附近吗
I'm not one of them. I'm not one of you. 我不是它们的一员,也不是你们的一员
I don't want to live like this anymore.  我不想再这么活下去
Go ahead. Why not? Shoot me. What?  来吧,为什么不开枪呢,开枪啊。什么
Isn't that w-why you -- isn't that why you followed me here, Tom, to kill me? 你来这难道不是,汤姆,你跟我来这难道不是来杀我的吗
No. I came to take you home.  不,我来带你回家
But I really miss my dad.  我真的很想爸爸
Okay, we got to go.  好了,我们走
I'm sorry. It's okay. 我很抱歉。没关系
You didn't ask for this. Nobody asked for this.  不是你的错,没人想这样
No, I'm sorry about -- I thought they loved me.  不,我很抱歉,我以为它们喜欢我
All they wanted was information.  没想到它们只要情报
Rick, what did you tell them?  里克,你都告诉它们什么了
I told them everything -- The school, Weaver, you. Everything. Let's go. 我告诉了它们一切--学校,韦弗和你的事。什么都说了。我们走吧