生活大爆炸第八季 第20期:副作用(在线收听

 Okay, what are the potential side effects for our erectile dysfunction drug? 我们的壮阳药有些什么可能的副作用?

Headaches, dizziness and nausea. 头痛、头晕、恶心。
Yes. 是的。
Those are also the side effects of having a 75yearold man with an erection climb on top of you. 一个勃起的75岁老男人趴在你身上,你也会出现这些副作用。
Want to stop here? 要不要停下来?
Uh, no. I can keep going. 不用,我可以继续。
Nah, you got this. 不必了,你能行的。
Let's go for a drink. I'll call Amy. 我们去喝一杯。我打给艾米。
Okay, good. She seemed like she really wanted to go out tonight. 好的,她似乎今晚特别想出去玩。
Hey, girl. 干嘛,妹子。
Okay, next question, for the Butterfinger: how long is a galactic year? 下个问题,奖品是金手指黄油饼干银河年有多长?
250 million years! 两亿五千万年!
Yes! 对了!
Okay, this one is for a Cadbury Creme Egg. 这个的奖品是吉百利蛋。
It's not even Easter time. 复活节都没到呢。
This is crazy! 太疯狂了!
Which Archimedean solid has 20 regular triangular faces, 30 square faces, 12 pentagonal faces, 60 vertices and 120 edges? 哪种阿基米德多面体有20个规则的三角面,30个四角面,12个五角面60个顶点和120条边?
The Rhombicosidodecahedron! Yes! 小斜方截半二十面体!答对了!
We are so smart! 我们太聪明了!
Why didn't girls like us in high school? 高中时为什么女生不喜欢咱们?
Because we were awkward and weird and couldn't play sports!  Right again! 因为我们呆滞怪异,而且运动无能!又答对了!