生活大爆炸第八季 第22期:四人约会(在线收听

 If you're free tomorrow night, I'd love to have you join us on a double date. 如果你们明晚有空,我想我们可以一起来个四人约会。

Aw... 不错嘛...
You are aware that a double date doesn't count as two dates. 你知道四人约会不能算成两次约会的吧。
Oh. Well, then come or don't. I don't care. 哦。那随便你们来不来。我无所谓。
I can't believe you're sore. 真是难以置信,你竟然肩膀酸。
Hey, even professional pitchers need a rubdown after the game. 嘿,哪怕是职业投手,在比赛后都要按摩的。
But they throw an actual ball. You were throwing air at a TV. 但他们扔的是真球。你是在往电视机扔空气。
For your information, I also gave Leonard one hell of a high five. 我得告诉你,我还和Leonard狠狠击了个掌。
I'm kind of surprised you agreed to do this in front of a stadium full of people. 我挺意外,你竟然答应在一球场的观众面前干这个。
They're doing Space Day and NASA asked me. I felt like I couldn't say no. 他们在搞太空日,所以宇航局就问我了。我觉得没法拒绝。
Okay. Well, if you want, I could help you practice. I played a lot of softball growing up. 好吧。如果你想的话,我可以帮你练习。我小时候玩过很久的垒球。
Thank you, that would be great. 谢谢,那真是太好了。
Great. And while we're at it, maybe we could butch up your run for when you head out to the mound. 好呀。我们练习的时候,也许可以校正下你的跑姿,好让你跑到投手丘时更男人一点。
What's wrong with the way I run? 我的跑姿有什么问题?
Oh, just kidding. Nothing. 我只是开玩笑的。没事儿。
Sheldon, I'm surprised you'd choose to go to a pub. Sheldon,我很意外你会选择去个酒吧。
At our committee meeting, Amy made a motion for a picnic in a park, but I tacked so many amendments on that thing it sank like a lead balloon. 在委员会议上,Amy提议去公园野餐。但我加了很多修改意见,这主意就黄掉了。
then suggested a pub. 之后我就建议去酒吧。
Yeah, which I was initially skeptical of until I saw online that they serve Yorkshire pudding. 没错,我一开始对这个主意十分质疑。但我发现他们有卖约克郡布丁。
You don't even like Yorkshire pudding. 你根本不喜欢约克郡布丁。
No, it's yucky, but informing people about the history of Yorkshire is yummy, yum-yum. 对,太恶心。但给人们科普约克郡的历史那就趣味无穷了。
After a lively debate, that proposal passed by a two-zero margin. 在激烈辩论后,去酒吧的提议以2:0的优势通过。
Nice to see a busy couple keep the spark of bureaucracy alive. 看到一对情侣这么忙还有一身官僚气,真不错。
Ignore them, Amy. They're just jealous because they'll never have a relationship as good as ours. 忽略他们,Amy,他们只是在嫉妒。因为他们的关系永远不会像我们那么好。
Isn't this when he says "bazooka" or something? 他这时候是不是该说"豆你玩"之类的了?
I wasn't making a joke, I was merely stating fact. Amy and I have a superior relationship to yours. 我没开玩笑,我只是在说事实。我和Amy的恋爱关系比你们的优越。
You don't honestly think that, do you? 你不是在说真的把?
Y...Leonard, I assumed you knew. 你... Leonard,我以为你早就知道了。
The ranking of relationships in our circle by quality is: me and Amy, Howard and Bernadette, Raj and his girlfriend, Penny and Chardonnay, Penny and you. 我们这个圈子的恋爱关系质量排名如下:我和Amy,Howard和Bernadette,Raj和他女朋友,Penny和霞多丽酒,你和Penny。
There isn't any ranking. And if there were, we wouldn't be at the bottom of it. 根本没有什么排名。就算有,我们也不会是最后一名。
Yeah, and actually, I drink Sauvignon Blanc. 没错,而且其实我喝的是白苏维翁酒。
That's the part you have a problem with? 你竟然在意的是这个?
Relax. 放松点。
There they go, fighting again. 看吧,又吵起来了。