生活大爆炸第八季 第23期:鸡的DNA(在线收听

 Have you guys heard about this research team that's trying to transgenically manipulate chicken DNA to create some sort of chicken dinosaur? 你们有没有听说,有个研究小组试图对鸡的DNA进行转基因处理,创造出一种鸡恐龙之类的东西?

Oh, I think that sounds wonderful. 哦,我觉得这很棒。
What? You're afraid of both dinosaurs and chickens. 什么?你既怕恐龙又怕鸡啊。
Yes, but tell me a dinosaur chicken salad sandwich wouldn't hit the Mesozoic spot. 对啊,但别告诉我一个恐龙鸡沙拉三明治没有中生代的感觉。
Hey, guys. 嘿,各位。
Hey. Hello. 你好呀。
We still on for tomorrow night? 明晚安排没变吧?
Yeah. I'm excited to finally meet your girlfriend. 当然。终于能见到你女朋友了,我很兴奋。
Yeah, oh, and speaking of which.  是呀。说到这个。
According to a recent study out of Oxford University, when someone takes on a new romantic partner, that person loses one or two close friends. 根据牛津大学最近的一项研究,每当一个人有了新的浪漫对象,就会失去一到两个亲密朋友。
Since when do you read social science? 你什么时候开始读社会科学的东西了?
I go to the bathroom like everybody else. 我跟其他人一样,上厕所也会看本书啊。
Why would I lose friends just because I started dating someone? 为什么我谈恋爱就会失去朋友呢?
Yeah, you didn't lose anyone when you met Amy. 对呀,你和Amy谈上的时候就没失去朋友。
Yeah, well, no, the study refers to romantic partners. Not the way I would categorize the two of us. 是没有。但研究说的是浪漫对象。我和Amy可不属于这个范畴。
You guys kiss and hold hands. 可你们也会接吻牵手啊。
I've seen him do it. It's not romantic. 我看到他怎么做的,一点都不浪漫。
Look, I'm not the kind of guy who drops his friends just because he's in a relationship. 听着,我不是那种重色轻友的家伙。
What happens if she doesn't like us? 如果她不喜欢我们怎么办?
Well, hey, you're my dear friends. You'll get a Christmas card for a couple of years, and then you're dead to me. 嘿,你们是我的好朋友。刚开始几年你们会收到圣诞卡片之后就会彻底不联系了。
Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state. Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started...Wait!  宇宙一度又烫又稠密。140亿年前终于爆了炸... 等着瞧!
The Earth began to cool. The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools. We built the Wall We built the pyramids  地球开始降温。自养生物来起哄。穴居人发明工具。我们建长城。我们建金字塔 
Math, Science, History, unraveling the mysteryThat all started with a big bang  数学、 自然科学、 历史,揭开神秘。一切由大爆炸开始 
So, Howard, is Stuart still living with your mom? Howard,Stuart还和你妈妈住一起吗?
I don't want to talk about it. 我不想谈这个话题。
But he's going to. - My mom got him cable! 但他马上就会吐槽了。- 我妈帮他装了有线!
In my whole life, growing up in that house...no cable. 我从小到大这么多年... 也没有线看。
Do you know how many HBOs that leech had my mother get him? Seven. Seven HBOs. Seven! 你知道那蚂蝗让我妈给他装了几个HBO台?七个。七个HBO台。七个!
Long story short, they have seven HBOs. 长话短说,他们装了七个HBO台。
Hey, guys. - Hey. - Hello. 嘿,各位。- 嘿。- 你好。
Emily, you know almost everybody here. - Hi. Emily,大多数你都认识了。- 嗨。
This is Leonard, this is Penny. 这是Leonard,这是Penny。
Oh, it's so nice to meet you. - Nice to finally meet you, too. 见到你很高兴。- 彼此彼此。
Hi. -Hello. 嗨。-你好。
Well, Raj, you were not lying about her. Raj,她的事你没骗我们呀。
I told you she exists. 我就说她是真人。
Hey, I hear you're a dermatologist. 嘿,我听说你是皮肤科医生。
Uh, yeah, I'm a resident at Huntington Hospital. 对,我Huntington医院做实习医生。
Oh, I like their emergency room. Yeah, even if it turns out you don't have Dengue fever, they still let you take a lollipop. 我喜欢他们的急救室。没错,哪怕你没查出得登革热,他们还是会给棒棒糖吃。