生活大爆炸第八季 第24期:医药销售代表(在线收听

 You know, Penny just started training to be a pharmaceutical sales rep. Maybe she can practice on you some time. 要知道,Penny刚开始接受医药销售代表的培训。也许她能和你练习一下。

Oh, it would be great to practice on a real doctor. 我想在真正的医生身上试手会比较好。
Yeah. I'm sure that'd be fine. 我想应该没问题的。
I have some odd freckles on my buttocks. Can I make an appointment for you to look at them? 我屁股上长了些奇怪的斑点。我能预约个时间让你帮忙看看吗?
Um...okay, I guess. 呃... 我想可以吧。
I'm with him three years, nothing. She's with two minutes, and he's taking his pants off. 我和他在一起三年,什么都没看着。她才来了两分钟,他就想脱裤子了。
Last night was fun. What did you think of Emily? 昨晚真有趣。你觉得Emily怎么样?
I don't know. I kind of got the sense she didn't like me. 我不知道。我有种感觉,她不喜欢我。
Did she say she didn't like you? 她说不喜欢你了吗?
Of course not. No one ever says they don't like you straight to your face. 当然没说。没人会当着对方的面说不喜欢她。
We have led different lives. 我们的经历太不一样了。
You guys just met. Why would she feel that way? 你们刚认识,她怎么会那么想?
It's just this vibe I got. 我就是有这种感应。
I'm sure you're worried about nothing. 肯定是你想太多了。
Yeah. You're probably right. I used to think my high school P.E. teacher didn't like me, but it turned out, she liked me a little too much. 是,也许你说得对。我以前觉得高中体育老师不喜欢我,结果却是她太过喜欢我了。
Really? 真的?
Yeah. It was fine. We went to a Melissa Etheridge concert, I got an A, it all worked out. 对呀。不过没事。我们一起听了Melissa Etheridge的音乐会,我拿了A。结果都是好的。
When you go to Emily's office to practice, you'll see. It's fine. 等你去Emily办公室练习的时候,就会发现没事的。
Yeah, I hope you're right. 我希望你是对的。
You really went your entire life without anyone saying "I hate you" to your face? 你真的这辈子都没遇到别人当面说"我讨厌你"?
Yeah. 对呀。
I'd say it now, but look at those cheekbones. 我现在很想说,但你的颧骨太可爱了。
I miss Stuart's place. All this loud music and exposed brick.  我好想念Stuart的店。吵杂的音乐和暴露在外的墙砖。
What, is this a comic book store, or a rave at the third little pig's house? 这到底是个漫画店还是第三只小猪砖房里的派对啊?
Yup, I wish Stuart would reopen. I hate this place, too. 我真希望Stuart能重新开张。我也讨厌这个地方。
Okay, him I believe because he's an 80-year-old man in a 15-year-old's T-shirt. 好吧,我相信他说的话,因为他是个穿着青少年T恤的怀旧老头子。
But you're just upset about Stuart and your mom and all their HBOs. 但你只是在生Stuart、你妈妈和那些HBO有线电视台的气。
Yes, I am. You know, I can't even watch Game of Thrones now without thinking of mother saying, "Stuart, which one is Thrones?" 是的。我现在甚至在看"权利的游戏"时,脑海里都有我妈的吼声:"Stuart,谁是权利啊?"
You know, he might not reopen. He didn't get a lot of money from the insurance company. 他可能不会重新开张了。他没从保险公司那拿到多少钱。
Oh, boy, if there is one thing that gets my goat, those dad-gum insurance companies. 我的天,只有一样东西能让我火大的话,那就是那帮该死的保险公司。
Why? Because they won't get off your lawn? 为什么?因为他们整天烦你吗?(get off my lawn为年长者斥责小孩子的话)