生活大爆炸第八季 第25期:投资商(在线收听

 Oh, is Stuart trying to get a loan, or-or find investors? 哦,那Stuart有没有试着去贷款,或者...或者找投资商?

All I know is, he's got my mother buying four-ply toilet paper. I mean, four-ply. 我只知道他让我妈给他买了超厚卫生纸。真的,四层加厚的。
If his butt is so delicate, why doesn't he just use an angora rabbit? 他的屁股如此娇嫩,为什么不买只长毛兔擦屁股?
For starters, they shed and bite. 首先,它们会掉毛还会咬人。
Hey, here's a thought. Why don't we put up the rest of the money that Stuart needs? 嘿,我有个办法。我们几个人凑钱补上Stuart还需要的资金吧?
So, we'd be, like, owners of a comic book store? 这样,我们就是漫画书店的股东了?
It's kind of a dream come true. 有种梦想成真的感觉。
That does sound fun. 听起来真不错。
Ooh, maybe we could come up with a business plan to compete with this place. 噢,说不定我们还可以制定商业计划,来和这家店竞争。
I'll give you a plan right now. Step one: open comic book store. 我现在就给你制定计划。第一步:开一家漫画书店。
Step two: start rumor this comic book store gives you genital warts. 第二步:开始散播谣言:这家书店会让你得生殖器疣。
Step three: buy a big bag to put the money in. 第三步:买个大袋子装钱。
It's not that bad. 这主意还不赖。
Hey. - Hi. 嘿。- 嗨。
Thank you so much for letting me practice my sales pitch on you. I really appreciate it. -Sure. 太感谢你了,能让我在你这练习推销。真的很感谢。-没事。
Um, I brought coffee. I wasn't sure what you like, so I got a regular, a cappuccino and a Chai tea. 嗯,我买了咖啡。我不知道你喜欢什么,所以我买了普通的,卡布奇诺的,还有香料茶。
Since you like Raj, I thought you might be into that. 你喜欢Raj,我想你可能会喜欢香料茶。
Thanks. If we could get started. I'm a little busy. 谢谢。我们可以开始了吧,我有点忙。
Oh, yeah, sure. Let me just get out my materials. 好的,当然。我先把材料拿出来。
Leonard gave me this briefcase. He used to carry it around in high school.  这公文包是Leonard送给我的,他以前在高中背的。
You can still see the dent where they whacked him with it. 你还能看到包上的凹痕,人家拿这包砸他留下的。
Okay, I would like to talk to you about our new birth control pill, Femevra. 好吧,我给你介绍我们的新避孕药,氟美弗拉。
Great. 不错。
So, Femevra's triphasic design provides balanced hormonal exposure. 那么,氟美弗拉的三相设计能平衡你的荷尔蒙分泌。
All right. 好的。
It has also been shown to cause significantly fewer side effects than other oral contraceptives. 同样也被证明,相比其他口服避孕药,它的副作用更少。
Although it can cause acne, which, if you ask me, kind of increases its effectiveness as a contraceptive. 虽然会让你长痘痘。我认为,这也是一种有效的避孕方式。