生活大爆炸第八季 第29期:粗鲁道歉(在线收听

 It just seems like a risky investment. 可是这投资看起来风险有点大。

I get that. I...Okay, look... 我知道。可是...好吧,是这样...
The reason this is important is...before my dad left me and my mom...he used to...take me to the comic book store. 我那么想投资漫画店是因为...我父亲离开我和母亲之前...他经常... 带我去漫画店。
It was one of the few things we did together. 去漫画店是曾经我和老爸为数不多的回忆之一。
Oh. Howie, I had no idea. Howie,我以前不知道。
Well, I don't...like to talk about it. 嗯,我不太想... 不太想说的。
Oh, baby. That story's made up, isn't it? 哦,宝贝。这故事是瞎编的,对吧?
That's how much buying a comic book store means to me. 这恰恰说明我是有多想投资漫画店了。
I'd like your honest opinion on something. 我想就某事问问你的意见。
Of course. 当然可以。
Now, before I start, I need you to know that I'm very excited about this, 在我说之前,我得说我对这件事情非常感兴趣。
and anything you say that isn't enthusiastically supportive will throw our entire relationship into question. 你说的任何观点如果不是热情支持的话,可能会极大地影响咱俩的关系。
So...keep an open mind. 那么...听听我的想法啊。
I'm feeling a little backed into a corner, Sheldon. 我觉得有点小怕,Sheldon。
Perfect. Now...I'm considering investing in Stuart's comic book store. 很好。那么...我打算投资Stuart的漫画店。
Interesting. Can you see how a grown man, an accomplished scientist, who invests in a store  很有趣。那么你觉得一位成年人并且是很有成就的科学家,投资到一家商店。
that sells picture books about flying men in colorful underwear...might be wasting both his financial and intellectual resources? 店里卖的是画册,画的是穿着五颜六色内裤的飞人...这样会不会可能浪费他的财力和智力呢?
No. 不会。
Then I think it's a terrific idea. 那么我觉得这点子很棒。
Great. Wait till you hear about our van. 太好了。我先给你介绍我们的拉客车。
Hey. -Hi. -Thanks for inviting us over. 嘿。-嗨。-谢谢请我们过来。
Oh, thank you for coming. 感谢你们愿意来。
Uh, listen, Penny, before you start, I just want to apologize for being so rude the other day in my office. 听着,Penny,在你讲话前,我想为先前在办公室里我对你的粗鲁道歉。
No, no. No need to apologize. 不不,不用道歉。
Excuse me, can I say something? I just love both you guys, and I want you to get along. 打扰,我能说些话吗?我真是太爱你俩了,我想让你们好好相处。