生活大爆炸第八季 第39期:鸽子乒乓赛(在线收听

 Hey, it was match point. 嘿,都到赛点了。

Some psychologists perform operant conditioning with punishment. Maybe we can come up with a punishment for straying off topic. 一些心理学家通过惩罚来制约实验对象。没准我们能想出个方式,来惩罚那些偏移话题的人。
Not getting to see who wins at pigeon ping-pong comes to mind. 不让人看谁赢了鸽子乒乓赛就是一种惩罚。
We could snap a rubber band on our wrists every time we get sidetracked. 每当我们分心的时候,我们可以在手腕上贴个条。
Mmm, not bad. You know, in medieval times, idle chatter was punished with a device called the scold's bridle. 唔,不错。在中世纪,那些乱走题的是被惩罚带一个叫毒蛇钩的东西。
It's an iron cage that's locked around the head and pierces the tongue. 那是一个刺穿舌头、然后锁住整个头的铁笼子。
If only we had one. 要是我们有一个就好了。
Oh! I'll check Amazon. 喔,我来看看亚马逊有没有。
Housekeeping! 客房服务!
We had a complaint about somebody pooping on a party in there! 我们收到了一个投诉,有人在派对上大便!
It was us the whole time! 其实是我俩啦!
Why'd you tell her? It was working. 为什么告诉她?刚刚都骗到她了。
Was it working? 真的吗?
Yeah. 是啊。
Oh, I'm so sorry. 哦,不好意思。
You guys look like you're having fun. 看起来你们玩得很爽啊。
We're having the best time. 我们爽得飞起来了。
Guess who won $100 playing craps. 猜猜谁掷骰子赢了100块。
That's a dollar. 那是个一块钱。
Then guess who wildly overtipped a cocktail waitress. 那么猜猜谁对酒吧招待慷慨解囊了。
Hey, Penny...hey, let's go. We found a place that has Australian male strippers. 嘿,Penny... 嘿,走吧。我们找到了一个有澳大利亚脱衣舞郎的地方。
We want to see if they twirl their junk in the other direction. 我们想看看他们是不是反方向转JJ。(有种说法,南北半球水平运动的物体,受地转偏向力影响分别向左和向右偏)