生活大爆炸第八季 第47期:蒸汽通道(在线收听

 All this time I never knew there were steam tunnels down here. 我从来不知道这下面里有蒸汽通道.

Most universities have them. When I was an undergrad, I spent three days in one pledging a sorority. 大部分大学都有这个.我读大学时,为求加入姐妹会,曾在里面待了3天.
Did you get in? 最后你加入了吗?
No. They forgot I was there. But it really opened up my pores. 没.她们忘记了我在下面.但我浑身的毛孔都被蒸开了.
Well, according to my research, the steam tunnels below this access point should be the closest analog to the mines. 根据我的调查,这个入口下面的蒸汽通道和矿井的环境最为相似.
This is gonna be so much more accurate than the steam room at the gym. 这个会比健身房里的桑拿房更接近真实环境吧.
Plus, there's almost no chance we'll see any of our coworkers half naked. 而且我们基本不可能看到任何一位同事的半裸.
Or totally naked. I love Howard, but the dude needs a little shame. 或者是全裸.我爱霍华德,可这混小子真是毫无节操啊.
All right, Amy, this walkie-talkie is yours. 好了,艾米,这是你的对讲机.
If we run into any problems, I'll contact you. 如果我们遇到问题,我就联系你.
And if anything bad happens, what's the rule? 如果有情况发生,还记得规矩吗?
Save you first; come back for Raj only if there's time. 先救你,有时间的话再回来救拉杰.
We're going to be fine. 我们不会有事的.
Sheldon, I'm really impressed you're willing to try this. 谢尔顿,我非常惊讶,你居然愿意来亲身体验.
Well, admittedly, this brushes up against my well-known aversions: 不可否认,此举触及到了我所有广为人知的死穴:
To heat, small places, going below floor-level, dampness, hatches, ladders, darkness, echoes, and eliminating in Home Depot buckets. 怕热 、怕狭窄、怕往地下走、怕湿、 怕舱口 、怕梯子、怕黑、 怕回声,还有怕在塑料桶里排泄.
That last one is quite new, but I have a feeling that's gonna rocket to the top of the list. 最后这项是新添的,但我感觉它将压倒群雄,荣登名单宝座.