生活大爆炸第八季 第57期:生态箱(在线收听

 Oh, uh, she touched my arm for five Mississippis, and I bought a $2,000 iguana habitat. Which she was always too busy to come over and see. 那个女孩摸了我的胳膊五大秒,我就花了两千美元买了一个鬣蜥的生态箱。不过她一直很忙,总是没时间来我家看。(鬣蜥:美国比较受欢迎的大型蜥蜴类宠物)

You give these to Penny. You're, you're a lucky man. 这花你送给佩妮吧。你是一个幸运的男人。
Thank you. Sorry. 谢谢。抱歉。
You probably don't want her to see this. It's unnecessarily graphic. 这张卡片还是不要给她看了,里面有点过于"图文并茂"了。
Hold on, Doctor. Leonard, where are your social skills? This man is clearly upset. We should invite him in for a hot beverage. 等等,医生。莱纳德,你的社交礼仪呢?这位先生显然很难过,我们应该邀他进屋喝一杯热饮。
He tried to score with Penny. 可是他想泡佩妮啊。
So have these two, and they're having dinner with us. 这俩以前也是啊,现在不还跟我们一起吃饭吗。
So, how was work today? 今天工作如何?
It was fine, but you'll be happy to know they pulled the sexy scientists article. 还行,你一定会很高兴得知性感科学家这篇文章取消了。
What happened? 发生什么事了?
I don't know. They just canceled the photo shoot and said they're rethinking it. 我也不知道。杂志社就取消了照片拍摄,还说他们要重新考虑一下。
Well, I'm really sorry, but I think it's for the best. You want people focusing on your achievements, not staring at your breasts in some magazine. 真是太遗憾了,但我认为这是一件好事。你会想人们关注你的科研成就,而不是盯着某本杂志上的你的咪咪。
I guess. It's really not that important. Hey, up here. 大概吧。上杂志也没那么重要。喂,我眼睛在这呢。
Sorry, we're...we were talking about them. 抱歉,说到了就忍不住看一下。