生活大爆炸第八季 第61期:订婚戒(在线收听

 So, uh, what's the deal? You take off your ring when you go to work? 怎么回事?你上班就不戴订婚戒吗?

What? No! No! I just put it on the other hand and...turn it around. Keep that hand in my pocket. 什么?没有这回事!我就是戴在另外一只手上...再把戒指转个圈。然后把手放在口袋里。
Why? 为什么?
Well, what do you mean why? Look, I make more sales if these doctors think I'm single.  这有什么好奇怪的?如果医生认为我是单身,我就能卖得更多。
I did the same kind of thing as a waitress. The real question is, what is he doing in your apartment? 我做服务员的时候也做过同样的事。我想问的是,他在你的公寓里做什么?
Oh, he was upset. So Sheldon invited him in for a hot beverage. 他不高兴,谢尔顿就请他进屋喝热饮。
You were okay with that? 你没意见吗?
No. I got upset! And Sheldon made me a beverage, too. 有,我也很不高兴!然后谢尔顿也给了我一杯热饮。
Okay, he just showed up at my door. Don't you think that's a little weird? 他突然出现在我门前,你不觉得有点奇怪吗?
A little, but...he's basically harmless. He's actually kind of a nice guy. 是有点,不过他没有恶意。他其实人挺好的。
Okay. Whatever, look, my company does not allow me to socialize with doctors outside of work. You got to get rid of him. 好吧。总之,我的公司不允许我私下和医生有接触。你得赶走他。
Why am I the one that has to get rid of him? 为什么要我去赶走他?
I can't do it! He's my best client! 我不能去!他是我最好的客户!
All right, I'll get rid of him. But you owe me one. 好吧,我来赶走他。不过这次算你欠我的。
Hey, we're going to Oliver's house to see his collection. You want to go with us? 我们要去奥利佛家欣赏他的收集品。你要和我们一起去吗?
Yeah, sure. You owe me. 好的。你欠我的。
Oh, my God! 我的上帝啊!
Leonard, I was wrong. Heaven does exist. And it's in the basement of a urologist's house in Sherman Oaks. 莱纳德,我错了。天堂真的存在,就在谢奥区一个泌尿科医生的地下室里。
Welcome to my Fortress of Solitude. This is where I go to get away from...all my other solitude. 欢迎来到我的"孤独堡垒"。这是我摆脱我其他孤独的地方。
Oh, come on. It's a replica. 这是复制品吧。
Original. 原版。
Oh, I think I just cheated on my wife. 我想我刚背叛了我的妻(高潮了)。