生活大爆炸第八季 第69期:毕业舞会(在线收听

 Hmm, to be honest, it's kind of a dream come true to go to even a fake prom with a woman as beautiful as you. 老实说,即使这是个假的毕业舞会,但能有你这么美的舞伴,也算是美梦成真吧。

Ugh, thanks a lot. 真是谢谢了。
What? 怎么了?
Well, now I can't blow this thing off without being a bitch. 要是我说不想参加,不就成了坏女人了吗。
That sounds like a "Yes"! 所以说她答应了!
Ooh, every single person RSVP'd "Yes." This is so exciting! Isn't this exciting? 每一位受邀的人都回复说参加。真是太让人激动了!你说是不是呀?
Yep. 是。
Look, even Stuart's bringing a date. I wonder who it is. 就连斯尔图特都要带舞伴来。真好奇那人是谁。
You know exactly who it is. He's gonna bring my mom. Why did you even invite him? 你明明知道那人是谁。我妈就是他的舞伴。你干嘛要邀请他啊?
Because he's our friend, and you two need to get along. And why can't he take your mom? You took her to your prom. 因为他是我们的朋友,你们俩必须和睦相处。再说了,他为什么不能带你妈来?你毕业舞会的时候不也带了吗。
I didn't "Take" her; she was a chaperone. 我没有"带"她去,她是去"监护"我。
I saw a picture of you two dancing together. 我见过一张你们一起跳舞的照片。
W-What was I gonna do? They were playing our song! I can't take this anymore. 不能怪我,当时在播我们爱的主打歌!我受不了了。
Hello. 你好。
Stuart, we have to talk. This thing with you and my mom, I-I hate it. It's making me crazy.  斯尔图特,我们得谈谈。你跟我妈那点事儿让我超不爽。都快把我逼疯了。
You and I were friends for years, and now you're bringing my mother to a party I'm going to? ! What the hell? ! 你我是多年的朋友了,如今你却要带我妈去参加我也在场的舞会。太离谱了吧?!
I'm not bringing your mother, I have a date. 我没有要带你妈去啊,我有其他舞伴。
Oh, so now you're cheating on my mother? 所以你现在是背着我妈偷吃吗?
Wha-What are you talking about? There's nothing weird going on with me and your mother. 你在胡说什么呀?我和你妈之前完全不存在任何逾越之举。
Stewie, your bath is getting cold! 图仔,你的洗澡水要凉了哦!
I got to go, bye. 我得挂了,再见。