生活大爆炸第八季 第70期:假装成外星人(在线收听

 Penny? Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. 佩妮?佩妮。佩妮。佩妮。佩妮。

You knocked more than usual. 今天敲门的次数比平时多呀。
Next time I might be in a rush, it's good to have a few in the bank. 下次我可能有急事,先多敲两下存着吧。
Okay, what's up? 找我干嘛?
I'd like to discuss this party that Amy and Bernadette are throwing.  我想跟你讨论下艾米和伯纳黛特举办的这个舞会。
Since you and I are both reluctant to go, I think I've come up with a perfect way for us to enjoy it. 既然我和你都不想参加,我想到了一个让我们乐在其中的完美方法。
Great, how? 好呀,怎么做?
We pretend we're aliens. 我们假装成外星人。
I'm not the best at reading facial cues, but I'm gonna say that you love it and want to hear more. 我不擅长阅读面部表情,但我猜你很喜欢这主意,并想深入了解它。
Now, in the beloved novel Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, an alien named Ford Prefect pretended to be human in order to blend in  在受人喜爱的小说《银河系漫游指南》中,一位叫福特·派法特的外星人为了混进人类世界假扮人类,
so that he could write an entry about Earth for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy,  目的就是为替《银河系漫游指南》写一本地球指南。
which is a travel book within the actual book, which is also called The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. 而这本旅游指南恰恰是一本真书的一部分。而那本真书名字就叫《银河系漫游指南》。
Okay, just one question. What? 我只有一个问题。你说什么?
My point is, pretending to be an alien is a valuable coping mechanism I've used many times. I did it the first time I went to see you in a play. 我的意思是,假装外星人是我使用过多次非常有用的应对机制。我第一次去看你演出时就用过。
You had no idea Commander Umfrumf of Ceti Alpha Three was in the audience. Oh, d-don't worry, he gave you seven thumbs up. 你根本不知道观众里有来自天囷星的指挥官。别担心,他竖起七根大拇指叫好哦。
Here's a question, as an alien pretending to be human, are you planning to engage in any post-prom mating rituals with Amy? 那么问题来了:作为假扮人类的外星人,你打算跟艾米遵循舞会后人类交配的惯例吗?