生活大爆炸第八季 第72期:荷尔蒙激增(在线收听

 If you had ripped jeans and a leather jacket, you'd be like the toughest kid on the Disney Channel. So, anything else planned for tonight? 如果你再穿上破烂的牛仔裤和皮夹克,你就可以当迪士尼儿童台中的校霸了。今晚还有什么安排吗?

Oh, everything. Getting our picture taken, slow-dancing, being elected prom king.  舞会一切要做的事。跟大家照相 、慢舞、被选为舞会国王。
Pointing out that kings aren't elected. It's gonna be off the hook. 再指正大家,国王不是民选的。到时候肯定爽翻天。
And while you're at it, I know that at this age your hormones are raging, but just because all your friends are having sex doesn't mean you have to. 既然你提起了,我知道在这个年龄你的荷尔蒙激增,虽然你的朋友们都在嘿咻,不见得你也非得去做。
Why would you say that? 你何出此言?
You know, 'cause...'cause a lot of people lose their virginity on prom night. 因为...很多人的初夜都是在毕业舞会上失去的。
Penny implied the same thing. Is this true? 佩妮也暗示过这个。是真的吗?
Just relax, it's a joke. You don't have hormones. 放轻松,我开玩笑的。你根本没有荷尔蒙。
Wow, you look amazing. 你真漂亮。
Thank you, so do you. 谢谢,你也很帅。
Sheldon, you look so handsome. 谢尔顿,你真帅气。
Thank you. 谢谢。
Sheldon, doesn't Amy look hot? That's got to put some starch in the upper flermin. 谢尔顿,艾米不漂亮吗?是不是让你的"上殖器"都活跃起来啦。
What's that? 什么东西?
Oh, it's a scaly genital organ that grows between his shoulder blades. Try not to touch it when you're dancing. 那是长在他肩胛骨之间的鳞状生殖器。跳舞的时候小心别碰着了。
Excuse me. 失陪了。
Where are you going? 你去哪里?
I can't do this. And for your information, Leonard, the upper flermin doesn't grow between my shoulder blades, it grows out of the belly button on my neck. 我做不到。莱纳德,我告诉你,"上殖器"不是长在我的肩胛骨之间,而是从我脖子的肚脐孔上长出来的。
He's right, I was thinking of the lower flermin. 他说得对,我刚才说成"下殖器"了。