生活大爆炸第八季 第73期:圣诞夜惊魂(在线收听

 Ooh, I'll, uh, text Stuart, let him know we're close. 我给斯图尔特发短信,说我们快到了。

That's a neat tattoo. 你的纹身真好看。
Oh, thanks, it's Sally from Nightmare before Christmas. 谢谢,这是《圣诞夜惊魂》里的萨利。
Aw, that movie's so cute. 那部电影很有趣。
Do you like her because you both have red hair? 你喜欢她,是因为你们都是红头发吗?
Uh, a little, but more that she's covered in scars and can pull her own limbs off and sew them back on. 不尽然,更多是因为她浑身伤疤,还可以把四肢都拆下来,然后重新缝上。
I like Cinderella. 我喜欢《灰姑娘》。
Did you know, in the original book, the sisters cut off their toes with knives in order to fit in the glass slipper? 你知道在《灰姑娘》原书中,灰姑娘的姐姐们为了能穿进水晶鞋,用刀把脚趾头砍了下来吗?
I like "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo." 我喜欢《魔咒歌》。(迪士尼动画电影《灰姑娘》中的歌曲)
Hey, here comes Stuart and his date. 斯图尔特和他的女伴来了。
Oh, she's cute. 她真可爱。
Oh, my God. 我的天啊。
What? 怎么了?
That's Jeanie. 那人是珍妮。
That's Jeanie? ! 她就是珍妮吗?!
Who's Jeanie? - Don't say it. - That's Howard's cousin that he had sex with. 珍妮是谁?-别说。- 霍华德以前睡过的那个堂姐。
She is my second cousin. We were 15...I just said, "don't say it." 她是我的二等堂姐。我们当时只有15岁 ...我叫你别说。
No, it's okay. He told me that story a long time ago. -Raj! 没关系。他很早以前就告诉我了。-拉杰!
It was our first date, there was an awkward silence. What was I supposed to say? 那是我们第一次约会,突然冷场了。我总得找话题说啊。
Oh, it's beautiful. 哇,好漂亮啊。
Oh, the girls really did a nice job. 她们俩布置得真漂亮。
I know I wasn't into this before, but I'm so glad I get to take you to your first prom. 我之前虽然不太感兴趣,不过我很高兴能带你来你的第一个舞会。
What makes you think I didn't go to my prom? I went. 你为什么觉得我没参加毕业舞会?我去过啊。
Well, who'd you go with? 你带了谁?
I took a little lady I like to call loneliness. 我带的女伴名叫"孤独"。
Aw...-It's all right. We ended up having a threesome with her friend humiliation, so... 啊...-没事啦。我们最后和"丢脸"来了个"三人大战"...
Well, if I would have been there and saw you alone, I would've asked you to dance. 如果我当时在场看见你一个人,我一定会邀请你跳舞。
No, you wouldn't have. - Well, you don't know that. 不,你不会的。-你怎么知道。
It was before my growth spurt. 那时候我还没发育,骨架子都没长开呢。
What, that already happened? 什么,你现在是长开了吗?