生活大爆炸第八季 第78期:很喜欢他(在线收听

 This is an easy one. You love this guy. 这题很简单。你很喜欢他。

Me. 我自己。
Come on. He's an underappreciated genius. 不是,他是个不够受人敬仰的天才。
Still think it's me. 依然觉得是我自己。
It's not you. Now think, there's a car named after him. 不是你。再想想,有车以他的名字命名。("特斯拉"电动车:美国一家专门生产纯电动车的公司)。
Of course there is. The Mini Cooper 'cause it's me. 当然有啦。迷你"库伯"嘛,因为答案就是我。(宝马旗下的迷你有一车款为迷你"库伯")。
How about this: he's a poor man's Sheldon Cooper. 我换个方式说:他是降级版的谢尔顿·库伯。
Oh, Tesla. 特斯拉。(尼古拉·特斯拉:伟大的发明家,物理学家,机械/电机工程师)。
Hey. -Hi. How'd it go? 好啊。-好啊。怎么样?
Oh, not fun. The doctor shoved a camera up into my sinuses. 惨啊。医生把一个摄像头塞进了我的鼻窦。
Yeah, I watched. It was like the scary boat tunnel in Willy Wonka. 我看了。像《查理与巧克力工厂》里那段吓人的船游。(该电影中有一段在阴森山洞中船游参观的剧情)。
Did they figure out what's wrong?  查出是什么问题了吗?
Yeah. It's a deviated septum. The surgery to correct it is simple. He's gonna do it next week. 查出了,是鼻中隔偏曲。矫正手术很简单,医生下周给我做。(鼻中隔偏曲:鼻中隔偏离中线且引起临床症状的一种鼻内畸型)。
Why would you have surgery? 你为什么要做手术?
Because I can't breathe. 因为我呼吸不顺。
I snore, I get sinus infections...-Yeah, back off, he's all mine. 打呼,还会鼻窦发炎...-滚开,这"抢手货"是我的。
But you don't have a life-threatening condition. Why would you take the risk of surgery? 但这又不是有生命危险的毛病,你为什么要以身犯险做手术呢?
Sheldon, it's a routine procedure. I've heard you complain about his snoring. 谢尔顿,这只是常规手术。我也听你抱怨过他打呼很大声啊。
We...Yes, for the first five or six years, but I've gotten used to it. It helps me sleep. He's like my mucus-powered white noise machine. 是啊,同住的头五六年是这样的,但我都已经慢慢习惯了。而且还能助我入眠呢。他就像我的鼻黏液动力助眠仪。
Sheldon, I'm gonna get the surgery, it's no big deal. End of story. 谢尔顿,我要做这个手术,不用大惊小怪。不必多说了。
Very well. I'm done talking about it. 行,那我也不多说了。
Thank you. 谢谢。
I believe it was your turn in the game. 我记得现在是轮到你猜了吧。
Okay. 好的。
Let's see...Oh, this person is most famous for never having gotten his nose mutilated with elective surgery  我想想...这个人最出名的,就是绝不会让鼻子接受非必要手术的残害,
and never living the rest of his life in the shadows as a hideous, disfigured freak. 更不会让自己下半辈子活在丑陋畸形的妖怪阴影之下。
I think you could give a better clue. 我觉得你能给出更好的提示。
I don't. I'm not even sure if that's a person or a typo. 给不出啊。我都不知道那是人名,还是打错字。(Jay-Z)。