生活大爆炸第八季 第79期:如何入眠(在线收听

 Okay, why? 能告诉我为什么吗?

I'm listening to you snore. I'm wondering how I'll ever sleep without it. 我来听你打呼啊。我在想日后听不见了,该如何入眠。
If it helps you sleep, then why are you sitting here staring at me like the albino boogeyman? 如果能助你入眠,那你为什么还坐在这里盯着我?像个白化症版的夜魔鬼。
Really, Leonard-- insults? After I spent two hours in your closet, waiting for you to fall asleep? 莱纳德,羞辱我你忍心吗?为了等你睡着,我可是在你衣柜里蹲点了两个小时呢。
What's your problem? 你到底要干什么?
If the surgery is successful, the snoring is gone. And if you die during surgery the snoring is gone. 如果手术成功了,打呼会消失。但如果你手术台上死了,打呼也会消失。
It sounds like either way, I finally get some rest. 所以无论如何,你都不会来烦我了。
I have to be honest with you Leonard, I'm truly worried. 莱纳德,我实话告诉你,我真的很担心。
I-I told you, there's nothing to worry about. 我跟你说了,没什么好担心的。
Well, I've been doing some research and I've learned that one in 700,000 people die from general anesthesia. 我去查了些资料,每70万做全身麻醉的人中就有1人死亡呢。
Buddy, w...Do you realize that that also means 699,999 people don't die? 兄弟,那你知道这就代表有另外69万9千9百99人没死吗?
I suppose that's true. You're such a glass half-full kind of guy. I'm going to miss that. 你说得也没错。你真是个乐观的人啊。我会缅怀你的乐观的。
Oh, so, my, uh, parents' 40th anniversary's coming up and I can't think of a thing to get them. 我爸妈的结婚40周年纪念日快到了,我想不出该送他们什么。
Damn, can you imagine being married to someone for 40 years? 靠,你能想像跟一个人结婚40年之久吗?
Not anymore. 想像不到了。