生活大爆炸第八季 第81期:小行星撞地球(在线收听

 Buddy, I-I get that you're worried about me and I-I appreciate that, but I'm not going to die. 伙计,我知道你是担心我,我很谢谢你的好意。但我不会死的。

You don't know that. 你又不知道。
I do know that it won't be from an asteroid strike. 我肯定知道我不会死于小行星撞地球。
You know who else said that? Every cocky T.Rex currently swimming around in the gas tank of your car. 你知道谁还这么说过吗?每头自认天下无敌的霸王龙。早化成石油在你汽车油箱里游泳呢。
I-If there was an asteroid strike, wouldn't you die, too? 如果真有小行星撞地球,那你不也会死吗?
I don't know. I'm smart and scrappy, I think I'd find a way. 那可不好说。我又聪明生命力又强,我觉得我会活下去。
Tell you what, the surgery's not for a week, I'll think about it. 这样吧,离手术还有一周时间,我再好好考虑一下。
Thank you. And while you're thinking about it, if you have the surgery in Nicaragua during monsoon season, I can practically guarantee your death. 谢谢。你考虑的时候不妨想想,如果你暴雨季节在尼加拉瓜做手术,我可以打包票你必死无疑。
Yes. Okay. I-I understand. Of course, yes. I'll call you tomorrow. Bye. 是,好的。我明白。当然,是的。我明天打给你。再见。
So I found this fencing school in Burbank that has a Jedi class. And if you're cool being the only adults there, they said they are. 我发现伯班克市有一个击剑学校开有绝地武士教学班。如果你不介意是那个班里唯一的大人,那他们很乐意接收你。
Dude, my parents just split up. 兄弟,我的父母刚离婚了。
What? ! 什么?!
Uh, that was my dad on the phone. He moved out. 刚才是我爸的电话。他搬出去了。
Oh, my God, I...I'm sorry. I mean, if you're not up to it, we don't have to go out, we can just hang here. 天啊,我很遗憾。如果你不想去,我们可以不出去,待在家里也行。
No, it's fine. It's not that big a deal. As long as they're happy, I'm happy.  没关系。没什么大不了的。只要他们开心,我就开心。
And when I get to see them for the holidays, I'll get to celebrate Diwali twice-- one at each house. That's double the Diwali. 等我节假日回去看他们时,我得过两次印度排灯节。一人家里过一次。那就变成了"双"排灯节。(排灯节:又称屠妖节,是印度最重要节庆,类似过年)。
You sure you're okay? 你确定没事吗?
I'm okay. 没事。
You don't look okay. -How can I be okay? I come from a broken home. 你看起来可不像。-怎么可能会没事?我是一个家庭破碎的小孩。