生活大爆炸第八季 第82期:公共泳池游泳(在线收听

 The doctor said I should be out of surgery by 10:00. 医生说10点我手术就做完了。

Okay. And Sheldon really believes we're at a public swimming pool? 好的。谢尔顿真的会相信我们去公共泳池游泳了吗?
He was so busy figuring out how many parts per million of urine we'd be floating around in, he didn't even question it. 他肯定会忙着算我们泡在含百万分之多少的尿液里,没空起疑心。
18 parts per million. And he's still doing it. 百万分之18。他仍执意要去。
Don't worry about that. I'm happy to take you to work. 别管他们啦。我很开心能载你去上班。
Well, thank you. And Leonard never lets me have French toast sticks in the car. I can't have syrupy fingers, but he can do the backstroke in a toilet bowl. 谢谢你。莱纳德从来不准我在车里吃法式吐司条。我不能有沾上糖浆的手指,但他却能在马桶里仰泳。
It's nice they're getting exercise. 他们锻炼身体也是好事啊。
Although now that I think about it, Leonard would never go swimming in public without his swim shirt. 现在仔细想想,莱纳德去公共场合游泳时,一定会穿上他的游泳衣。
I'm sure he brought it. 他肯定带了。
No, but last year, at Magic Mountain, he got such a bad sunburn, we had to cut him out of it. 不可能,去年在魔术山游乐场他严重晒伤,得把泳衣剪掉才能脱下来。
He probably got a new one. Finish your breakfast. Look, there's an entire section of my dashboard that doesn't have any syrup on it. 他可能买了新的。快吃你的早餐。瞧,我仪表板上还有一整块区域没有糖浆呢,快去乱沾。
You're acting odd. Why? 你举止好奇怪。怎么了?
I'm odd all the time, everyone knows that. Just last night, I tried to see how many fava beans I could fit in my mouth. 我向来举止古怪,每个人都知道。昨晚我还往自己嘴里塞蚕豆试试到底能塞多少颗呢。
Tell me the truth. -28. 告诉我实话。-28颗。
Come on. - Fifty-six. 老实点。-其实是56颗啦。
Amy! What's going on? 艾米!到底怎么回事?
All right. Don't get upset, but...an earlier appointment opened up for Leonard and he's getting the surgery right now. 好吧。别生气哦,莱纳德得到一个提前做手术的机会,现在他应该在做手术中呢。
I see. 我明白了。