生活大爆炸第八季 第92期:首位缝制者(在线收听

 Say, Betsy Ross, what you working on? 贝特西·罗斯,你在缝什么呢?(贝特西·罗斯:被美国公众广泛认作美国国旗的首位缝制者,但缺乏足够的档案记载以佐证这一观点)

I have no idea. Because the story of me sewing the first American flag is unsupported poppycock. 我也不知道。因为我缝出第一面美国旗帜的故事是没证据的狗屁。
Then who did sew it, hmm? 那到底是谁缝的呢?
Don't ask me. I'm just a simple seamstress whose descendants are...out to make a quick buck! 别问我。我只是个普通的女裁缝,是我的那些不肖子孙出来骗钱的!
Fancy a dip, my dear? 赏脸共泳吗?
I do. 乐意之至。
Wait, that purple flag indicates that marine pests, such as jellyfish, are present. 等等,紫色旗子代表了水域有海洋有害生物,比如毒水母
Wow, that flag is a lifesaver. 哇,这旗子拯"救生"命啊。
No. This is. Stop looking at my legs. 不是。这才是"救生"圈。别盯着人家腿了。
Not a flag. Flag. Flag. Not a flag. Flag. Crap. 不是国旗。国旗。国旗。不是国旗。是的。靠。
When stuff like this gets me down, you know what I like to do? 碰到这种让我难受的事,你知道我都怎么做吗?
Sing "Hakuna Matata" Like an eight-year-old girl? 像八岁小女孩一样唱"哈库那马他他"吗?(《狮子王》电影中的欢乐歌曲,意为"不用担心"或"没有问题")
Wrong, smarty-pants. It's "Everything Is Awesome" From The Lego Movie. 错了,自作聪明。该电影中的洗脑欢乐主题曲是《乐高大电影》里的"啥事儿都好赞"。
Look at these notebooks. They're full of pages and pages of data. He clearly spent years on this. 看这些笔记本,一页一页全都是数据。明显是他多年的心血。
Oh, it's just columns of random numbers. Toss it. 只是一行行无规律的数字。扔了吧。
Well, but what if this was a potential breakthrough for him?  万一这是他可能的重要突破呢?
What if...what if this is the thing that would've finally let him open that bottle of champagne? 万一这是让能他如愿以偿打开那瓶香槟的东西呢?
Maybe he didn't know what to pair champagne with. Strawberries, caviar, oysters. All good choices. 或许他不开是因为不知道香槟要配什么。草莓 、鱼子酱、 生蚝,都是好选择。
Yeah, that look right there is why people eat before they come to your parties. 瞧你那表情,所以大家才会在参加你派对前先吃饱。