生活大爆炸第八季 第94期:阅读彩虹(在线收听

 No. No, no, no. I-I think the cookie thing. 不,不是。我也觉得你是做饼干那种。

Action. 开始。
Welcome back. Our guest today is a returning fan favorite.  欢迎回来。今日的来宾曾来过,并广受观众喜欢:
He puts the reading in your rainbow, the Geordi in your La Forge, and the Kunta in your Kinte, Mr. LeVar Burton. 儿童阅读节目《阅读彩虹》的主持人、《星际迷航:下一代》成员、电视迷你剧集《根》的主角,莱瓦尔·伯顿先生。
Thank you, Sheldon. Now, remember our deal... 谢谢,谢尔顿。别忘了我们的约定...
You do this, I delete your contact information. 你来上节目,我删了你的联系方式。
While...While you watch me do it. 而且...而且是在你面前删。
Great. Happy to be back. 很好。很高兴再来上节目。
Well, since you're here, I'd like to get your opinion on something. 既然你来了,我想问你对某件事的看法。
In honor of Black History Month,  为了向黑人历史月致意,我扮成了乔治·华盛顿·卡弗。
I portrayed George Washington Carver in a loving tribute that my roommate called "wildly racist" What do you think? 我对他的致敬被我室友说"超有种族歧视",你觉得呢?(黑人历史月:赞颂黑人克服种种困难 以及对美国历史的贡献;乔治·华盛顿·卡弗:美国教育家 、农业化学家、 植物学家,对美国有巨大贡献的一名黑人)
Hi. My name is George. 你好,我的名字叫乔治。
Oh, hell, no! 我去,不是吧!
You heard him, Leonard. No, it's not racist. 听到了吗,莱纳德。"不是"吧,我没有种族歧视。
Are we sure this is the place? 咱们确定是这里吗?
The doorman said this is the right building. 看门的说就是这栋楼。
I think if you're pulling up your pants, you're not a doorman. 看到人来就赶紧提裤子的不会是看门的,是野战的。
Who is it? 谁啊?
Uh, I'm looking for a Professor Sharpe? 我想找夏普教授。
Hold on. Can I help you? 等等。有事吗?
Hi. We're from the university. We're trying to get some information about Professor Abbott. 您好,我们是大学的人。我们想从您这打听艾伯特教授的信息。
We were cleaning out his office and found these books full of numbers. Any chance you know what it is? 我们在清理他的办公室时,发现了一些写满数字的本子。您知道这是什么吗?
Yes, he was always working on this. 知道,他总是在搞这玩意。
I was thinking it might be some sort of interstellar coordinate system, maybe an updated version of Hubble's law. 我猜可能是某种星际坐标系,或许是哈勃定律的升级版。(哈勃定律通常被用来推算遥远星系的距离)
I keep seeing the number 90 repeating. That could be the angle of perturbation of a distant galaxy. "90"这个数字总是重复出现。那可能是某个遥远星系的摄动角度。
It's the number of calories in a yogurt. That's his food diary. 其实是一份酸奶的卡路里数。这是他的饮食日记。